Thursday, July 18, 2013

i'm tipsaaay

This may come as a shock to some of you, but from time to time I drink too much.

As in a shit ton of booze goes into my mouth and I time travel to the next morning.

It is pretty often that I forget the happenings of the night before and only figure out what went down by examining the bar receipts I find in my purse.

Usually throughout the next day I can piece together the night by the flashbacks I have. It's kind of a fun game really. Except on the days when I recall saying really dumb shit the night before, ain't nobody got time for that.

For example, last weekend in Philly I decided it was a great idea to have four glasses of wine before dinner. Then two at dinner, followed by a beer at the first bar we stopped in, a gin drink at the second, a Moscow mule and shot of vodka at the third, and a night cap of a beer at the last stop. Needless to say, I don't remember that last bar too well.

Jose did tell me that I got a litte sassy however. Apparently two guys sitting near us at the bar were telling the bartender a story about when they were robbed at gunpoint and escaped the situation by throwing a piece of dog poo at the armed robber and running away. I guess after I heard the story I proceeded to tell the bartender, "they are lying. that never happened." The two guys I am told did not appreciate that but the bartender loved it and bought my beer for me. I stand by my way is that true.

It got me thinking though, how the hell do I act when I'm all drunked up? I decided to do some investigative journalism via, consulting Facebook photos and talking to Jose and here is what I have concluded.

Ten things that will happen when I am drunk:



Chloe said...

I let people touch my boobs too. I used to just show them but my man friend got a little tired of it. Now he tried to show them all the time. Ummmm?? I love you and drunk you.

Ginny Williams said...

I'm a wino! Major. I hate to admit it, but it will be very hard when I'm pregnant to not want to have wine. I'm kinda dreading it actually. It's gonna SUCK! But I will make sure I'm have the baby before Christmas time because we all know that alcohol is essential for getting through the holidays! HAHA!


Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

haha you're a mess and I love it. Also love the chick who's trying to take your hand off that dude's junk

Morgan Sparks said...

I'm not even ashamed to agree with the fact that I do all these things too. Whoops! Love you sass about the robbery story. I'm with you, no way that happened.

Cassidy C. said...

I love every single thing about this! My favorite being that your ghetto Detroit side makes an appearance! I might get a little ghetto too when I get wastey cakes

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

No way that poo story happened. I wish I could just go around grabbing drunk, but the cops already arrested me once for it so I have to stay 100 yards away! Pshht! Just kidding! :)

Tami said...

Love number 5. I used to always get in trouble with my college roommates for drunkenly eating their food!

Heidi said...

Hahahaha I have problems kissing all my girls on their cheeks once tipsy. And I love figuring out the night before by looking at my iPhone pics!

kathy @ vodka and soda said...

awesome. i think it must be a girl thing to let other people touch your boobs when you're hammered. i have a crap load of pictures with random hands on my chest at my stagette.

Stephanie said...

Hahahaha we need to drink together asap. I double fist too, the more I drink the more I think I need to drink more and faster. I never double fist at the beginning of the night.

Savannah said...

hahah awesome. I'm definitely a drunk eater. If we're having a party at my place I get real domestic and throw any frozen shit we have in the oven.

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I am always doing inappropriate shit and finding and wearing props.

Kristin O said...

Haha!! OMG!! We were separated at birth. This is hilarious!!

Tiffany Khyla said...

Haha I just love reading your posts. They literally make me laugh out loud. I'm so happy you were able to do some FB investigating to find out about your drunk life. You do some crazy stuff when you're drunk. Especially love the grabbing of the crotch. Classy.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha! This is awesome!

I, too, kiss everyone, go along with the boob touching, and love the shots.

In addition, I show dirty videos and/or photos of my husband and I to everyone. Yup.

Everyone knows I'm a lucky girl, KWIM? They also know I have skills. LMFAO!


Eloise August said...

Haha! You sound like a ton of fun!

Melanie @ 4Kottez said...

I am so glad I am your newest follower. I so adore this post and you girl.

shannon said...

i want to touch your boobs.