Thursday, July 25, 2013

Effing Twitter

Or should I say eff you Twitter.

I think that is a little more accurate since Twitter decided to go mega bitch on me the other night.

There I was laying in bed watching my stories when my phone starts blowing up. My first reaction was great I have finally made it in the blogging cult world and everyone is commenting on my post. Then I was all like no way, maybe I am being offered all of the 38 jobs I applied to last week. To my dismay it was simply multiple emails letting me know my Tweet machine had been hacked.

Apparently some little troll in Twit land managed to get into my account and send private messages to almost every single person I follow. Sorry Kim Kardashian, I know you're a new mom and ain't got time for that.

These messages are also called DM's as I learned. Now I never even knew you could send a direct message so there is one silver lining to this scandal. The messages my account were sending were pretty wild, even by my standards. I didn't open them because I was scared my computer might implode, but I know one contained some pretty bad language. And not the swears I like to use, but words that would make me throw someone out of my house if I heard them uttered. So I am sorry if you got any crazy message from me, I wasn't even drunk on Tuesday so you know it really wasn't me.

To be honest I still really don't understand the Twitter and I am not entirely sure I even like it. There are some things I like, such as reading funny little comments people post and whatnot. But a part of me still feels like a geriatric granny attempting to use a TV remote when I tweet.

Being that I am a marketing professional I know that I need to get a grip on this shit. And mark my words I am trying. I realize Twitter can be a powerful marketing tool and all that jazz, and I hope Sarah was right when she suggested I orchestrated this little Twitter scandal for some free publicity. So follow my blog and Twitter guys, maybe I will send you a an inappropriate message ;)

Now I will say, I get a little giddy anytime someone mentions one of my posts on the Tweet a leet. Like yesterday for example two of my very favorite bloggers mentioned my crazy ass prison post and I had double the page views I normally receive. That made me one happy panda. And then I ruined that happiness by taking two classes back to back at the gym and I currently can't win some you loose some. But whatever, thanks Helene and Adriana. Ya'll are alright. 

The one and only thing I have actually mastered on the Twitter is having fun conversations with people I like. I always feel a little bit like I am Match dot comming when I carry on with my interweb frands, but I don't care. I like them a lot and I want to meet them all in real life soon. The lengthy convos on Twitter remind me of my AOL instant messanger days and I don't hate it one bit. And just so you know, my screen name in the AIM days was EDAWG25325 (I was a thug in middle school I guess) 

I also feel pretty cool in that I follow several celebrities on Twitter. I enjoy reading the Tweets of comedians the most, but Rhianna posts some pretty crazy shit as well and it makes me have a slight crush on her from time to time. I personally follow a handful of TV shows too, just so I can take my television addiction to that next level. 

And just like anything else in life Twitter can be dangerous when you are drunk. I really need to learn to sensor myself a tad when I have been drinking, or all my celebrity friends might start to judge.

And, that is all I know about Twitter. 


Kim Brown said...

hahahaha- I did get a somewhat scandalous tweet from you yesterday!

Rachel said...

HAHA I got a nice tweet from you and so did my business acct ..I was like whoaaa! But I knew it was hacked so I just deleted it!

Chloe said...

You've made it when people start retweeting your posts on twitter! Personally, as much as I like it it's like the crack of social networks. I want more, can't get enough, don't really understand what I'm doing, and it's wrecking me. True story.

Yammering Yankee said...

NBD girl! It happens and also i love love love reading drunk tweets and maybe guilty of doing it myself lol.

Morgan Sparks said...

I got a nice little hacked message from you yesterday. I didn't open it, for the same exploding computer reasons. I also can't seem to fall in love with Twitter. I only started using Twitter again (after years of failed attempts) when I got my current marketing job and became the social media guru for my company. I figured I should probably learn to love Twitter, but it's a slow going process.

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Drunk tweets are the best, for us reading at least! ;) Twitter can be very addicting!

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

hahaha #twitterstruggles

also woo! glad to help you out by sharing your post! I loved it!

Miss Riss said...

You have really good nicknames for Twitter, I like it. I haven't quite dove into the deep end in Twitter yet either. I keep going back and forth on it!

Kelly said...

Haha, I love Twitter but your skills have me beat 10 times over!

Sparkles and Shoes

Tami said...

hahaha yesss. EVERY time I tweet something when I'm drinking, even if I'm only like two beers deep, I think it's soo witty and look at it the next morning and am like.... nope. Not clever. Also I got a hacked message from you as well, glad I did or I would have felt like you didn't love me

Julie @ A Simply Sweet Blog said...

hahaha, love the last tweet about missing your classes at the 'gum'. Twitter takes some getting used to, I'm still on the fence but I figure it's entertaining at least!

Anonymous said...

I got my hopes up that night. I thought I was finally getting my invitation to paarrttyyy. Alas, it was not.

Tiffany Khyla said...

You're posts are always so great. Twitter is the best and the worst thing ever (if you get hacked). I almost died when I read that DM. I was like, this definitely is not her. Cray-zay.

Anonymous said...

I think I need to add twitter to my life. I have resisted too long!

Raewyn @ Be A Warrior Queen said...

I love this. Iit made me so happy. Also, I love drink tweeting and hashtagging normal conversations

Raewyn @ Be A Warrior Queen said...

* drunk

Chelsee W said...

Haha well I knew that you were a bit wild, and when I received my DM I had to rub my eyes a bit..bc I was not sure I was seeing it correctly!

Haley said...

I'm not a big fan of Twitter either. I just opened an account because I figured it could be like Facebook was when it first started.. I was reluctant to get rid of my Hi5 Account and switch over to Facebook.. I didn't like it at first and then WoW.. it became mega popular and uber addicting. Sadly Twitter is not like that for me. at. all.
I like that you said you were watching "Your stories". My Baba used to say that when she watched her soap operas. Heehee- ya ol' Grannie ;)

Haley said...

P.S. Does anyone remember Hi5?! It's sort of like High Def VS. BluRay OR Blackberry VS. Iphone..!

kathy@vodka and soda said...

i got your message too and was trying to email you to tell you your acct got hacked but my phone went all fucktard and froze.

shannon said...

ummmmi got your DM too and was all "WHATEVER HACKERS YOU'RE DRUNK" and then i just carried on with my business. which my business is laying on the couch - in case you were wondering.

p.s. the twat is where i like to get fucking rowdy.