Tuesday, July 23, 2013

baby I got your money

Just kidding I don't have any money, I spent it all at the bar this weekend.

What is sad though is my hometown is as big of a dumb ass with money as I am.

If you haven't seen on the news, my old stomping grounds Detroit has declared bankruptcy. Here is an article if you are interested, if not it's ok I can tell you all you need to know in this post.

People think Detroit is this really crummy place, but it is actually not at all. I mean I hail from there so obviously it is not that bad.

We also reared Madonna, Kid Rock, Tim Allen, Uncle Cracker, and at least five or six other semi famous celebs. Uncle Cracker even went to my high school so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

All Detroit needs to do is spend a little time putting together a budget spreadsheet on Excel like I did last week. I could really teach the city a thing or two so hopefully some of the big wigs are reading this post.

The former mayor of Detroit Kwame used to like to spend the city's money on things like Lincoln SUVs and hookers. I can understand because I used to like to spend all my money on Starbucks coffee and going out to lunch. Now I try to shop at TJ Maxx and buy my coffee at the gas station. The new mayor should get a used sedan and just use casual encounters on Craigslist to save some dough.

One of the major problems with the economy in the Dirty D is the auto industry going to shit. I think the people running those companies were probably just not doing a kick ass job like they should have been. If they would have called in sick to lay out by the pool, and spent a large chunk of their day chatting on Facebook like I do, things might be a tad different.

I am not even going to pretend to know all the problems with the economy back in my hometown, but I do know that it makes me feel a little tiny bit better because I thought I was the worst Michigander with money but guess what...I am not even close to bankrupt.

I put myself on the envelope method at the beginning of this month. You know, where you put how much spending money you are allowed into an envelope and then just spend that and nothing more.

Well, of course I ran out of money with 11 days left in the month. Instead of charging things like Detroit probably would have, I am just going to make Jose buy me shit for the rest of the month. Get a boyfriend Detroit. Get a boyfriend.


Katie said...

ugh i love this. being from detroit i have to say this to people all the time... like i LOVE my hometown i love detroit and isnt crummy. i feel bad because i think every step they make is wrong. argh. wish i had a solution. also.. i miss coney island.

Tami said...

Detroit needs to wife up somebody like Abu Dhabi. I hear they've got some serious dough. Problem solved.

Chloe said...

I love this. Why doesn't Detroit just become a sugar baby for Kid Rock? I mean I know Kid really isn't that old but I think he'd give Detroit some money if they did him some favors. Like share those free hookers!

Melanie @ 4Kottez said...

Girl come the Lou... You mention St. Louis and people start running.

Kim Brown said...

I love your advice for Detroit- Craigslist casual encounters- baahahaha!
Didn't know there were so many famous people from Detroit....

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

i just passed out reading Tami's comment. Also I think you could do great things for detroit

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

Detroit should heed your advice. GET A BOYFRIEND, Detroit!

Miss Riss said...

Every time you post something I always say to myself, "dang. I wish I would've thought of that!" I had to do a review of Detroit for my last class in grad school. I couldn't believe what a disaster that city is truly in. If only they would heed this advice, they should be A-OK by next week, at least! And I should've just used this post to write my thesis =)

Helene in Between said...

Haha love this so much. Yes, Detroit needs a boyfriend or a sugar daddy or momma. Whatever floats it's boat.

Unknown said...

I hear high end call girls make good money. Maybe Detroit should look into that.

Anonymous said...

Get a boyfriend, Detroit! Hahaha! Dying!

I try the envelope method, but Sergio gets mad when there is no money left for lunches. He thinks we should continue spending $5000 a month on eating out (lunches and dinners, but come on, we don't have kids. I call him the McDonald's baller. We go to McDonald's. My meal is $5; his meal? $10. Come on, dude! We went to Mickey D's to save $, baller!) He's cray cray. To make up for the deficit this month, that envelope gets $50 next month for all our meals!

jonesyjl2 said...

Haha. This made me laugh. Love your style.

Yammering Yankee said...

I am dying right now!! My husband is from D Town and when I told him about the bankruptcy he wasn't even surprised lol.

Margaret said...

haha LOVE this! Legit giggled to myself about "Get a boyfriend Detroit!"

Lala said...

you are too funny! yeah you are right he should use the craigslist casual encounter right its free hahahaha. following your blog via gfc coz you are too awesome!

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The Egg said...

(i'm from toledo so know it well)
heading to DTW tomorrow

xoThe Egg

Breenah said...

I only heard about the bankruptcy in passing, but I really think you've got some great ideas. Who do you think would be a good boyfriend for Detroit? I'm thinking Grand Rapids? Who knows?

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

If Flavor Flav can handle his 8 kids without going Bankrupt than Detriot should be able to manage. Detroit needs to man up!! ;)

shannon said...

i need an excel budget too.
but i think i would allocate too much for booze.