Thursday, July 11, 2013

Big Sandy and the Warden

I'm pretty freaking excited again you guys.

Big Sandy and the Warden are currently flying from Detroit to Philadelphia, and tomorrow I drive out to spend the weekend with them.

In case you are new around these parts, Big Sandy and the Warden are my mom and dad.

They are a wild bunch.

I mostly like living in Maryland, but some parts of it really suck. Like the fact that I can't see my parents very often.

My parents and I didn't really see eye to eye when I was younger. I may have been what some refer to as a handful.

After I went away to college and they paid for it though I really started to realize they weren't all that bad.

Don't tell them, but I even feel bad for being such a little bitch from time to time.

These crazy kids and I became the best of pals once I moved out of their house. We even voluntarily hung out a lot.

My dad taught me a whole lot about day drinking and my mom showed me how to have a good time no matter what you are doing and not to take any shit from anybody.

I moved back in with the rents when I finished grad school thinking it would only be for a month or two. Ended up taking me over a year to find a job, so we got to be roomies once again. This time we got along though and I really loved living with them as an adult.

I can't even tell you how much I am looking forward to a weekend with the best parents out there. I know for damn sure my mom is going to have an entire itinerary of sites to see in Philly and she will drag my dad to every last tourist sight in the city. I will go along willingly and make fun of my grumpy dad the whole time. There will likely be some ridiculous photo shoots and there is a strong chance my mom will dance on a bar or table. This happens almost every time we hang out.

The Warden has been known to throw down some dance moves too, but not usually on bars or tables. More like in back yards and on ships. He is a wild card though that Warden. Sometimes he is the life of the party and others he is about as crusty as an old shoe. He is always inappropriate however, so there are no shortages of laughs when he is around. People cling to my dad, even though he isn't always nice to them, I am lucky and he likes me a lot even though he will never admit it. Annoying girls and small children are always particularly drawn to him and he has zero tolerance for either. Kind of like how cats always know when someone is allergic so they rub against their legs.

Several of my friends back in Michigan still hang out with my parents on a regular basis. That makes me really happy and kind of sad all at the same time. Only sad because I wish I could be drinking my dad's booze instead of paying for my own. actually makes me super jealous, but definitely more proud that my parents are so cool.

Peace out homies, I am going to try and get some work done even though I am super antsy to get on the road and see my old roommates.


Tami said...

Your parents look like a blast in a glass. A shot glass. Have so much fun! My fave is the pic of you and your mom with I'm assuming tiger claws? hahaha

Katie said...

youre from detroit?! me too! sterling heights to be exact.

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

yayy! that sounds like an awesome weekend, enjoy girly

Heidi said...

I need more pictures of my parents like this!
Have a great time!! Please post dancing on table pics when you get back!

Chloe said...

You're parents look like so much fun!! It's cool that your friends back home still hangout with them. That probably validates every parent on the whole country and yours are cool enough to have it happen!

Kelly said...

It looks like you had a great time!

Sparkles and Shoes

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Your parents seems like they are a blast to hang out with, glad you get to spend some time with them! Enjoy the sites and have fun!

Tracie Everyday said...

That sounds like so much fun! For this reason, I still haven't been able to move more than 45 minutes from my parents. Have a great time!

Helene in Between said...

your parents seem awesome. and i love awesome.

Yammering Yankee said...

Aww they are awesome! I feel the same way about moving away from my family...kinda sucks

Kristin O said...

Aww. Too cute!! Hope you have fun!!

Stephanie said...

They look pretty awesome, but they can't have better tweets than the love of my life, Uncle Kenny.

Anonymous said...

Your parents seem really awesome and fun! That's always a plus. I remember realizing my parents were alright sometime in college, too. But they still don't have cool nicknames! Perhaps I should get to work on that.

jackie jade said...

aww have fun with your parents - they should like a blast! isn't it funny that we get along with our parents so much better once we're adults too?
-- jackie @ jade and oak

kathy @ vodka and soda said...

omg how awesome!

it's like that with all kids; we're hideous to our parents at times, esp during our teenage years when we think we're the shiznit when in fact, we're all idiots but then when we grow up and become sensible adults, we realize all the stuff they were talking about actually makes sense. and the it hits us how much of an idiot we really were.

your parents look like a riot. have fun!

shannon said...

ummm hi your parents are legit.
like i love it so much.