Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why being a grown up doesn't blow

The other day I posted about the craptastic aspects of adult life...I may have sounded like a negative Nancy.  Well, I assure you I am not.  I am actually one of the happier campers I know.  So to bring a little sunshine to your day, here are all the reasons you should relish in growing older. 

1.  You get to live in your own apartment.  It might cost an arm and a leg depending on where you live, but good lord is it nice.  You don't have to wait until your parents are out of town to throw a party, you can walk around naked, and you can clean your room when and if you want.  Oh yea, you can also have boys in your room with the door closed, hell they can even spend the night if you want...but you should probably just kick them out after you get what you want.  Roommates and boyfriends are cool and all, but everyone should live completely alone for at least a little is amazing.

2.  You get paid vacation and sick days from your job.   There is nothing sweeter in the world than the first paid vacation you take.  Not being at work, checking your bank account online and seeing your paycheck deposited when you are not working in any way, shape, or form is a feeling like no other.  And just like you did in high school you can lie about being sick and play hookie from work to do fun shit.

3.  Making more than minimum wage.  Times be tough, but when you finally find a decent paying grown up job you actually like, it is pretty cool to be able to make enough money to do most of the things you want.  If you use a little bit of your parent's advice on saving you can have a pretty good life on not a huge salary.

4.  Being allowed to get an animal.  Your mom and dad can no longer crush your hopes and dreams of having a puppy.  Feel free to get one.  Not a cat though, cats are terrible.  A dog will bring you endless joy....just remember you're a grown ass woman now so you gotta take care of it.

5.  Not having a curfew.  Want to stay out drinking until 7am?? Go for it.  Your mom won't be there to judge you when you get home...shit get breakfast after and stay out until 9.  You can also sleep in as late as you want.

6.  Being able to decide where you want to live.  You no longer have to stay in the suburbs or even the state where your parents live.  You can go where ever the heck you want.  This freedom is pretty sweet.  Just remember if you are far away from mom and dad they can't watch your dog.

7.  That's really all I can think of. 

Also, Fred is home from his vaca and I am elated :) Another thing that makes me happy is this lovely blog called Venus Trapped in Mars.  It is a great read, and she is currently allowing people to steal her gorgeous baseball iPhone screen savers.  I mean how cute is my second faveorite team??  Cute I tell you, it's cute.


Stephanie said...

I stole Sarah's cubs one, I love it.

Definitely not having a curfew is awesome. I kinda feel like I made more money for less work being a beer cart girl at a golf course than I do now though...

Venus Trapped In Mars said...

Thanks for the loooove!! Maybe if more people share my blog I can start to make more than minimum wage!!!!

