Thursday, April 25, 2013


The PLD also known as Poor Life Decision is something we all make.

Be honest, you probably made over a thousand your first year of college alone.

For me, PLDs typically occur when I am intoxicated, but not exclusively.

PLDs can include sleeping with someone you regret, being mean to someone you shouldn't have, a bad hair cut, and anything in between.

Perhaps the most painful PLD I have ever made occurred a few summers ago at a party my mother threw. It is no surprise I am a party girl because I come from some pretty wild parents. My mom who insists we call her mombo is also known as Big Sandy. My dad gave her the nickname and she loves it, Big Sandy is anything but big, in fact she is one of those assholes that eats like a truck driver and weighs next to nothing. She likes to host parties quite often and her an my dad have a sweet purple shopping cart that they fill with booze in the summer and push around their neighborhood serving drinks to anyone they pass. Don't you wish they were your neighbors?

This party cart has a horn, battery powered tiki lights, and all kinds of other accoutrement. It is the talk of the town. For as long as my parents have had this cart, my friends and I have enjoyed pushing each other around in it when we got drunk (past tense). Anywho, this a fore mentioned party was my mom's biggest to date. We named it Big Sandy-palooza and created fliers, hired a band, ordered multiple kegs, stocked the bar with booze, and got a caterer. It was bad ass to say the least.
(This shot of my dad and I is the only photo I can find from the entire night)

I don't think I need to tell you that I got shmamered at big goes without saying. After all the old folks had gone to bed and just the hard core drunks were still awake, my friend and I decided we wanted to go for party cart rides. She and I climbed into the cart and our buddy started pushing us down the street.

"faster, faster," I imagine we both yelled. He ran and ran and eventually his drunk ass hit a curb. She and I flew out of the cart. That is all I remember about that.

The next morning I awoke to find my face was completely swollen and bruised (Yes, I said my face....awesome I know) and it was obvious one of my ribs was broken. My wrist was pretty sore as well. I found my friend sleeping in the living room and discovered she too was pretty banged up. Not her face though, only I was that lucky. I legitimately looked like a victim of domestic abuse.

The face took a few weeks to return to its beautiful self as did the wrist. The rib on the other hand was insanely painful for over a month. What a smart cookie I am.

I will not re-hash all my PLDs or it might make me cry, but this morning I made a big one and that was juicing radishes. That shit was so nasty...I cannot get the taste out of my mouth. Don't do it, I am warning you.

PLDs are not to be confused with regret. I have made a million poor life decisions in my day but have only two regrets.

Those regrets are waiting until I was 28 to get into yoga and quitting the piano.

So ce' la vi, make some PLDs and be happy...just don't you dare juice a radish.

(Click this for more great party stories from some terific blogs)


Jenn @ Party of One said...

Hahaha, I just found your blog from the link up and I am cracking up. What a great story, I mean, PLD. Too funny!!! I also LOVE that your parents have a party cart- what?! That's awesome and yes, yes I do wish I were their neighbor! :)

Chelsee W said...

Thanks for linking up with us! I have def. made many PLD when I was in college. Luckily none caused serious reprpcussions, however...some did make me think the next morning "WTF was I thinking." Thanks for the tip on juicing radish..I will stay away from that one! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling I'm gonna be making some PLD this weekend..the boyfriend said it's okay to show my boobs to get free beer from guys at stagecoach...well, I may just do that..hahaha WHOOPS.

p.s where have you been all my life?! I just found you from the link up :)

Stephanie said...

(a) OUCH (b) I want to live next to your parents, desperately (c) My life seems to be one giant PLD, although I feel like I make more PLDs when I'm sober.

Chloe said...

I do wanna live on your block! This cracked me up. Stopping by from the link up.

Anonymous said...

I have a million PLDs but they have made my life so interesting.

Love the purple shopping cart! Love that! My parents buy everyone shots at the bar, so I can totally relate.

Party runs in the veins sometimes.

Here's to PLDs and all the fun they give us!

Cortney said...

Omg I'm in love with this! Your moms nickname is Big Sandy?! That's amazing. I want to be like her when I grow up with my very own cart. Found you from the link up today and I'm seriously excited about it.

suzzette said...

I remember seeing Carla the next day and she told me what happened. I was dying, then she said "You gotta see Erin!" Omg that could have been so much worse, but reading this made me laugh thinking about it all over again!

suzzette said...

I remember seeing Carla the next day and she told me what happened. I was dying, then she said "You gotta see Erin!" Omg that could have been so much worse, but reading this made me laugh thinking about it all over again!

suzzette said...

I remember seeing Carla the next day and she told me what happened. I was dying, then she said "You gotta see Erin!" Omg that could have been so much worse, but reading this made me laugh thinking about it all over again!