Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why being a grown up blows

1.  Everything is freaking expensive.  You realize when you choose to move out (or mom and dad cut you off) that you will have to pay rent and the electric company and what not, but there is so much more.  You have no idea how friggen expensive food is.  And toothpaste, and cleaning supplies.  It is never ending.  Oh that sweet iPhone your parents used to pay for....wait until you get your first phone bill.  Don't even get me started on cars, there is always something they need.  There is nothing worse than spending your hard earned money on things you don't even want, like dish soap and tampons.  Seriously, stay home as long as you possibly can.

2.  Cleaning, your mom probably won't do it for you after you move out, and even a small apartment requires a good scrub down more than you will expect it to. You have to remember to do laundry too and it sucks.

3.  Remembering to pay bills.  You have to actually remember to take care of things like bills and appointments, or your shit will get shut off. And that is all on top of work....I need a drink.

4.  Speaking of, when you get old you get hungover when you drink.  Like real hungover....and that is not a good state to be in at work if you care about your career in the least.

5.  I almost forgot, you have to worry about a career.  Gone are the days of scooping ice cream and not giving a shit, now you need to try and pad your resume and "network".

6.  When you get a real job you often have to work above and beyond regular hours, it sucks...they never made me join committees or go to meetings back when I worked at Dairy Queen.

7.  Your friends all start to get married, have kids, and buy houses....they remind you daily how old you are when you see their pregnant pics on Facebook.  It's gross.

8.  You can no longer eat whatever you want and stay thin (well some people can but you will grow to hate them).  I ate nothing but chips and dip and vodka in college and I was a twig.  Now I have to juice and eat a salad everyday to feel healthy.

9.  There are no summer vacations.  This is the hardest reality to face.  Being stuck at work in the summer never gets easier.  Never.

10.  If you drink every night like you do in college, people judge you....plus see reason 4. 


Allison Seyler said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Particularly number 7!

Also, I love that one of the main reasons you enjoy baseball is because you want to sleep with some of the players...are we on the same wave length!?

Can't wait to hangzzz!

Unknown said...

Haha spot on!!! Why can't I live off of my diet of fritos and jalopeno dip anymore? Well I could but my ass would be the size of Texas and aint nobody got time for that

Stephanie said...

Ugh reading this is making me sad.
Except, my parents totally still pay for my iphone. I think they forgot. I'm not going to remind them.

kathy @ vodka and soda said...

i'm 37 and i feel ancient. you are totally correct in all point - esp about the hangover part and not being able to eat anything and everything and still stay lean. back then, i ate everything in sight, late night burgers/chinese food after clubbing, drank everything that wasn't bolted down and remained a size 2.

i have recently gotten back to a size 2 but that was after 16months of ass-kicking, puking, exhausting workouts at 5am and eating clean 100%, 24/7 which means no junk/cake/sweets/sugar/soda etc in over 16months. it totally sucks.

Unknown said...

I agree 100% on all of these. Except #9. I'm a teacher. I get summer break. And Winter break. And Spring break. I love my job.

Venus Trapped In Mars said...

Whyyy is everything so expensive????? I own and continue to need to purchase on a regular basis like 87 different types of cleaning products and my apartment is still a damn mess.

And buying a house. HAH. If I have more than $100 in my savings account I consider that free range to go shopping (but will probably just have to buy more cleaning products)

Laura Darling said...

Youth really is wasted on the young! :)