Thursday, April 4, 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Tomorrow morning I am boarding a very early flight to Detroit.  I might be just a little bit excited.

Jose and I are going to be picked up from the airport and head straight downtown for some Opening Day shenanigans.  I love me some shenanigans, and I love me some baseball. We should be in a bar with a drink in hand no later than 9am. It is going to be a good day.

Saturday I am spending the entire day with my family.  There is a new member I need to corrupt, so I look forward to meeting little Arthur John.  I'm pretty sure I like him already, he looks sassy in all his pictures and wears stylish onesies.  I also plan to take my niece on a date for just the two of us on Saturday.  I moved when she was pretty young, so we have never really done anything just together.  We are going to Build a Bear.  I looked online and those little f-ers cost an arm and a leg.  Evie is really a cute kid though so it is worth it. 

I am looking forward to spending a few days back in my parent's house, having my meals cooked for me, seeing my friends, walking my family dog Butch, and laughing a lot.

The one thing I am not excited about is the trip to the airport.  I didn't think about it when I decided to move here but my little middle of nowhere town is 2 hours from the airport.  That means for a six am flight we have to leave by....I can't even say it, makes me too sad. 

I will leave you with a few recent text messages from my mom and sister.  I would also like to note my crazy mother skipped a funeral last night so she wouldn't miss her exercise class.  The woman is in great shape.  I will give her that.

(my texts are on the right in green, but you probably know that)

(I'm going to miss this little dude a lot...this is him yesterday impatiently waiting to go to the dog park)

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