Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How I Know I'm Becoming Geriatric

So I turned 28 a few weeks ago.  I know, I am old as dirt.  I have no particular problem with aging, but this birthday has made me realize two things: first I really need to get going on my "before 30" to do list, and two I am not a kid anymore.

Manfriend and I purchased a new vacuum about a month ago, and for some reason I got really excited picking it out and using it.  A few years ago I got excited to buy halter tops and jean skirts from American Eagle, and now it's cleaning products...is this normal?? I am not totally mature however as I did pick it out solely based on color and that fact that it has an attachment called the "paw".

Speaking of American Eagle, I feel really old in stores such as American Eagle.  I used to live for those types of places now I find myself asking, is this too young for me?? Similar to Brittney in her "Not a girl, not yet a woman" phase I am not ready for the old lady clothes, but I am certainly no junior either. 

I also know I am getting old because I get as excited for a good meal as I do a good drink.  Shit, I don't think I ate one meal in college.  I just drank and occasionally had some chips and salsa....now I love to cook and eat a wholesome dinner every night.

I know I am old because I only drink on work nights about three times a year.  I used to go out every night and it didn't phase me.  Speaking of work, I am certainly aging because I actually care a lot about my career now.  I sometimes miss those carefree days where I just goofed off for 8 hours and they paid me.  Now I stay late and bring work home by choice....OLD.

Perhaps the most stunning realization that I am in fact a geezer occurred to me recently when I went out to a club for girls night.  It was cold, and my friends and I all dressed accordingly.  I used to tromp around in tube tops and mini skirts in January, in Michigan.  In college we would walk a mile to a party in the dead of winter with no coat and open toed shoes.  I think wardrobe wisdom happens somewhere in your mid-twenties, so this does not make me feel old, what does is the fact that I no longer judge cute young girls I see dressing the way I used to.  At the club we went to there were many pretty young thangs wearing shorts, skirts, dresses, etc... in my mid-twenties I would have been all like, "what a hoe", "why is she wearing that" even though I wore the same things when I was their age.  Now I look at those girls fondly like a grandmother might, "wow, that little whipper snapper looks cute", "I would have worn that back in my day".  A few of my friends I was with that night were still in the judgy age group, they will change just like I did. 

Just a few more reasons:

-My feet are always cold and I wear granny slippers around the house.
-I went outside in my robe one morning last weekend
(I was still drunk so not sure if this officially counts).
-I am almost always in bed by midnight during the week.
-I love discounts.
-It took me a really long time to get on the Twitter bandwagon and I still don't 100% get it.
-I always wear a sweater.
-I think garage sales are the cat's ass.
-I just said the cat's ass.


Suzzette said...

I think I was more excited about my bathroom remodel that I was about buying the whole house! lol 5 years ago I couldn't give two shits about a friggen bathroom reno!

I watched HGTV for 3 weeks straight planning and getting ideas....like I could afford HGTV ideas. lol

kathy @ vodka and soda said...

uh, if you feel old at your age, imagine how i feel at 37!

but it's true; our tastes change as we age. i'm usually asleep by 930pm when before, i would be napping at 930pm and then get up and get ready for a club at 10/1030pm!