Monday, April 8, 2013

There's no crying in baseball

Well, to be honest there was some crying.  And some swearing, and yelling and being a little brat, but that was after twelve hours of drinking, no food, and very little sleep.  I apologized to manfriend in the morning, and that's all I will say about that because honestly it doesn't paint me in the best light. But hey no one is perfect right?

Friday morning, Jose and I flew back to our hometown to celebrate opening day of Tiger's baseball and meet my new nephew.  It was a pretty great weekend to say the least. 

Jose's dad came to scoop us up from the airport at 8am when we landed with Jose's brother in tow.  After a short ride downtown, their dad dropped the three of us us off on a street corner like good little hookers.  We walked to the nearest bar and met up with my college roommates.  I had three beers and a shot before 10am.  Always a great idea.

I love baseball.  There is no better team than the Tigers, and there is no better party than opening day in Detroit.  We didn't even go to the game, just bar hopped around the city meeting up with friends and binge drinking to our hearts content.  I went into opening day with a strict set of rules for myself.  I was going to drink only Miller lite, have only a few shots throughout the day, drink lots of water, and eat lunch and dinner.  I did none of those things.  I consumed nothing but beer, liquor, wine, shots, more shots, and no food.  Scratch that, I did have a few M&Ms at one point.  About three bars in Jose's brother decided gin martinis were a good plan.  I sucked it down like a champ.  Next bar was Irish car bombs, then tequila shots, fruity shots, all washed down with plenty of beer.  Lord help me.  Despite breaking all my rules, I had a really wonderful time and got to see a lot of my friends.  I had a melt down at the end of the night when we got back to Jose's brothers house to sleep but what good is a relationship if you don't freak out on your partner from time to time.

This is not how I looked on opening day.  I can't even post those photos, to say I looked like a crack whore would be a nice compliment.  It has been a long time since I had that much to drink and it don't look pretty on me.  This is a photo from last week when Jose and I went to Alexandria for dinner.  (oh yeah I'm calling him Jose for now because I am sick of typing manfriend all the time).

Saturday I shockingly woke up sans hangover.  Apparently Jesus loves me after all.  I got up and headed to my sisters house to hang with the family.  First I took my three year old niece Evelyn to Build a Bear.  She made a little beaut she named Princessy.  It cost me a small fortune because the people at Build a Bear have learned a real good scam.  They ask the child if they want each of the zillion add ons not the adult who has the credit card.  "ohh Evie, do you want a little scent chip for your bear, do you want a sound box, etc, etc..."  I even bought underwear for Princessy.  What adult in their right mind is going to tell a child, "oh no sorry, you don't get a scent chip for your bear, I am cheap and don't love you enough".  Needless to say Princessy smells like cupcakes.  We walked around the mall after making the bear.  My niece is seriously amazing and awesome.  At one point she said, "I could have another surprise if you want", to which I replied, "ohh really what do you want?"  "I will know when I see it,"  she said.  Seriously you can't make that shit up.  She is  the coolest.

We got ice cream, then headed back to my sister's house and hung out.  I held Evie's new brother Arthur (making him the fourth baby I have ever held in my life...Evie was the first).  He is two weeks old so his personality leaves a little something to be desired, but I am sure he is working on it.  My best friend and her mom stopped by and my mombo was there so it was nice to sit around and gossip.  That night my parents, my best friend from high school, and I had a nice dinner and some drinks.  Apparently my parents are into "shooters" these days, and my dad was feeding us mini beer shots all evening.  A little later my best friend from college came over, we went to one of my old stomping ground bars and had a few drinks.  Sunday morning, I had breakfast with my crazy friend Derek and his wife and baby.  We did a little shopping and then I headed back to my parent's house.  My sister and brother in law, the kids, and two of my best buds came over for a huge lunch.  

Sorry it's blurry....but so is my life these days.  Then that was it.  Around 3:30 we picked up Jose and my parents drove us back to the airport.  I loved every minute of it and can't wait for my next visit.  I am also so excited for baseball season!


Venus Trapped In Mars said...

I think that is the best thing possible about day drinking, even if it is followed by night drinking... Hangovers just seem to be non-existent!

Stephanie said...

There's crying in cubs baseball, with how pathetic they are.
I cannot believe you didn't have a hangover, I'm so jealous.