Saturday, June 1, 2013

being borderline alcoholic finally paid off.

Venus Trapped in Mars

I tell you what I really am feeling like a GD internet celebrity lately. I was nominated for another blog award this time for something I truly excel at: being a lush. Venus Trapped in Mars is a great blog and certainly the author is someone I want to drink a beer with so I am super excited about this coveted honor.

About the award taken straight from the Venus's mouth:

Translated this means Drunk (in French) +  I added the ending 'ster'
(because we are a classy bunch and French is classy)

(And with all due respect to the Leibster creator... 11 is a stupid number)
  • Acknowledge who nominated you
  • Answer the 10 questions listed below 
  • Nominate 10 bloggers you think are excellent drinkers
  • You can't nominate the blog that nominated you (But why would you? They clearly just answered the questions already)
  • Don't make any more questions, everyone just answer these questions below... why are we making so many questions for this Leibster guy?
  • If you are nominated, just answer the questions and nominate 10 more people. That is it.
  • Why are there rules for this? Q&A. That is all. 

  1. What is your favorite drinking game and why?
  2. It is your birthday, what is your idea of the perfect evening
  3. Money is no object, what is your go to drink of choice at a bar?
  4. How many times have you played the game "Edward 40 Hands"
  5. Take this alcohol screening quiz here, what score did you receive?
  6. What is your favorite memory with Alcohol?
  7. What is your favorite song about drinking? Or song to drink to?
  8. What is your favorite activity to do while drinking (i.e. boating, bowling, golf, trivia, etc.)
  9. In your opinion, which is the number one party school in the country and why?
  10. When do you know you have had too much to drink? What are your signals?

  1. What is your favorite drinking game and why? Flip cup. It is a great bonding experience and perfect excuse for shit talking.
  2. It is your birthday, what is your idea of the perfect evening? I pretty much expect a week for my birthday celebration, and I usually like to travel somewhere, but honestly just some of my really great friends getting totally tanked up at a dive bar then ending the night at someone's house...doesn't get much better than that. 
  3. Money is no object, what is your go to drink of choice at a bar? If money is no object I would order a really, really good glass of wine. Let's be real here though I'm f-ing terrible with money I never worry about prices when I order my drinks. :)
  4. How many times have you played the game "Edward 40 Hands"? Never
  5. Take this alcohol screening quiz here, what score did you receive? 30%. 6 out of 20 questions, according to Johns Hopkins my drinking is harmful. But I am shocked the number was that low so I'll drink to that.
  6. What is your favorite memory with Alcohol? I once hosted a naked bonfire when real wasted. That's all I'll say about that.
  7. What is your favorite song about drinking? Or song to drink to? Last Friday Night...not really, that's just the first one that came to my mind.
  8. What is your favorite activity to do while drinking (i.e. boating, bowling, golf, trivia, etc.)? Dancing or swimming.
  9. In your opinion, which is the number one party school in the country and why? Michigan State University. That is where I went and playboy magazine once said: "Michigan State University will no longer be considered for our annual list of party schools because we feel it is unfair to include professionals on a list of amateurs"
  10. When do you know you have had too much to drink? What are your signals? I get a drunk smirk where I talk out of my mouth. I also tend to swear even more.


I would pretty much nominate all the same people as Sarah in addition to these folks below...and she cheated and went over 10 so I am going to cheat and go with four, but here are a few of the booze hounds I enjoy.


Cortney said...

Thanks boo! I'm honored.

Anonymous said...

Woop woop! Thanks love!

Anonymous said...

Oh it's also I've moved over!!!!!

Kristin O said...

Haha!! I love this award!! Thanks for the nomination!! We can be drunkies together!!

Anonymous said...

I nominated you for this award, too. :) And then I saw that Sarah already got to you.

shannon said...

OMG that quote about michigan. killed it. just killed it.

why is sitting around talking about getting wasted so awesome?

Helene said...

Hahaha love it all