Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How to dress for a hangover

Yesterday I pretended I was a food blogger, so today I am going to play fashion blogger.

With my own twist of course.

This blog post is brought to you by the letter "H" for hangover. More specifically how to get your hot mess of a self dressed for work when you have one.

We have all been there. Stayed out a little too late, had one too many shots, only to wake up the next morning feeling like complete shit.

I may or may not have spent 4 days a week in this state at one point in my life.

Your first reaction when this happens is to sleep in until the very last second and then just throw something on. Preferably something like sweatpants and no bra.

Obviously if you work somewhere requiring you to face the public this is not an option.

I have a few tried and true tips for ways to mask your hangover and not look like a total disaster even if you feel like one.

1. Taking a shower is a very good idea. It is super tempting to sleep that extra 30-40 minutes and forgo the shower. But when a hangover is lurking the shower can be your saving grace. Plus there is less chance you will reek of booze.

2. Dry shampoo is a gift from the gods. You should certainly wash your body, but you can forget the hair and save yourself a helluva lot of time by using some dry shampoo on the old mane.

3. The cuter you look, the less likely people are to assume you are hungover. When I feel like death warmed over I try to overcompensate and make myself look extra cute. It tricks people, and then you can say you just have a migraine and they won't judge you for being a borderline alcohalic.

4. The bun is a GD lifesaver. I am so happy the bun is in style. For the days when you cannot fathom actually putting effort into your hair just throw it into a bun.

5. Leggings and a cute top don't feel that different than pajamas. If you are really struggling, go for some leggings or a comfy dress and you can take a snooze at your desk in comfort if the opportunity presents itself. Don't judge, sometimes even 28 year olds need a nap.

6. Big earrings make it look like you give a shit. My go to work look is skinny jeans, a dressy t-shirt, and some dangly current job is very casual but this can be transferred into more dressy work attire too by swapping jeans for black pants. It takes about 12 seconds to get ready and looks like you actually put thought into it.

7. If you really wake up late and don't have time to make yourself least throw on some mascara and lipstick. You will look slightly put together and it can be done in the car.


Yammering Yankee said...

Lol I love this! I feel,ya on the bun I throw my wet hair into one everyday the blow dryer and I don't get along on weekdays lol

Tami said...

These are soo true. I hate the effort of showering when hungover but it makes all the difference in the world. That and some eye makeup!

Unknown said...

Is that your bun?? That is pretty amazing!

Victoria said...

the sock bun is the best. invention. ever. :)

Anonymous said...

Couldv'e used this before I left for work this morning!!!

Carly @ The Pinot Project said...

Um, your bun is awesome (that sounded weird). I have a shit ton of hair, but can't do the bun. I think I need to go get one of those cheater things from Sally Beauty that helps with it!

Anonymous said...

Loving the hair I have an "ass-load" of hair but can never seem to accomplish this look!

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

love EVERYTHING about this. It also happened to me last wednesday. I played it all wrong, duh.

Anonymous said...

haha I love this and the twist you put on it! Perfection!!! Thanks for linking up today!

Savannah said...

Haha love this! I totally fail at the bun thing though. I've started wearing my hair in a braid way too much. Thankfully braids are back in so I don't look like I totally don't give a shit constantly

Unknown said...

You kill me, excellent tips lady except I prefer a shower beer when hungover and that aint legit on a work day!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I definitely spent four days a week like this in my early 20s.

Dresses are a life saver.

shannon said...

i'm become such a whiny bitch about my hangovers that i don't do any of these. maybe i'll keep them in mind for the future though.

Heidi said...

Migraine = works every time! Or does it...I think they're on to me!

Tracie Everyday said...

bahaha! I swear by the leggings and tunic/dress and dry shampoo as well. Swipe on some basic makeup and no one ever knows, until you refuse to take of your sunglasses and keep wondering if you'd be able to sneak in a Bloody Mary or Mimosa (just to help ease you through the pain). I've found That's a dead giveaway.