Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Monday

It was a damn good weekend you guys. Damn good. I hope you had a great one too, because it is now officially summer and by law we are all required to get drunk and have fun a lot.

I am too busy at my lame ass job today to write anything clever, so I am just going to tell you about my weekend. 

And also, let's get together and kill Monday. I was 24 minutes late this morning, so I will have to stay 24 minutes extra today....not cool.

Friday night I went to Target and bought a bunch of shit I don't need.

This includes but is not limited to; a bathrobe and two beach chairs. 

I then went to Zumba. It was magical as always. 

We dog sat for a few hours for our friend who just moved away so she could pack. Skipper is the little black dude to the left of manfriend. She came and picked him up and we said our goodbyes late Friday night.

Naturally after saying goodbye I needed to drown my sorrows so Jose and I went up to a local dive bar where a group of our friends were. I think I had approximately 38 jack and diets and several shots of Jameson...woof.

I also decided it was a good idea to invite a bunch of strangers back to our house after the bar closed. We drank all the shit liquor that was left on my bar. It forced me to get real inventive with my drink mixing because we really didn't have any mixers either, but I am pretty skilled in that department.

You can probably imagine we woke up feeling less than awesome Saturday morning. And by morning I mean afternoon because my ass did not get up until noon.

I was still pretty wasted when I woke up but we had plans to go to a beer festival that day, so I got my act together kind of and we went and scooped up two of our little friends. 

We ate some gas station food on the ride to the festival because we are classy.

It was hot, so most of the festival the four of us (all but one hungover) laid on the grass behind some trees in the shade drinking our beers. I was feeling pretty good after my first beer, but manfried was still on the struggle bus. At one point after my hangover turned to a buzz I started trying to teach the guys how to do some yoga poses. I was in a dress so I am sure this looked about as classy as when I was eating a gas station sandwich behind the wheel.

After the festival the guys decided they wanted to steam and eat some crabs. It is a big thing here in Maryland. People love crabs. I can't get into it.

I like the taste of crab, but picking them and dealing with the nasty ass guts is not for me. The boys ate a shit load though.

Sunday morning and Jose and I took sweet baby Fred to the dog park. When we pulled in we noticed a group of folks "Larping" in the football field. I know about larping because I saw it in a movie once. 

We then went to the Thai restaurant to get some delicious food. The restaurant is also a Thai grocery store and I saw this crazy ass mayo bottle. I sort of want it.

I did a little more shopping after lunch, then fried myself at the pool. It was glorious.

After the pool we cleaned the house and then our neighbor rang the bell and invited us to dinner at his place. He had made a ton of delicious BBQ. A free surprise dinner is hands down the best end to any weekend.

As was, watching Don Draper shit the bed on Mad Men.

Sami's Shenanigans


Kim Brown said...

Sounds like fun! I too had MD crabs this weekend, but they gross me out too! I had hubs pick the meat for me.

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

hahaha I think my fav part is the mayo. I also need that

Unknown said...

There is a park in town that the LARPers go to. Ours are in costume though. These ones seem kind of lame. :)

Tracie Everyday said...

bahaha! Who doesn't love those nights when you have a bunch of randos that you may or may not have done an awkward white girl dance with all of the sudden in your living room? That's the best!

Tami said...

This weekend pretty much owns every weekend I've ever had. Gas station nachos and hot dogs are my JAM. I could eat them alternating days all week long. Actually typing that out it sounds disgusting but come Saturday morning sign me up!

Tiffany Khyla said...

Everything about this post was freaking hilarious. Laughed out loud (for real, not the fake online/text message kind) forreal.

Kristin O said...

I want some crabs soooo bad!! Errybody is eating them lately and I'm craving some MEAT!!

Heidi said...

Your weekend made me jelly! beer festival AND gas station food?! I'm gonna get chocolate wasted as soon as my man gets home! Haha

Kaitlin said...

That mayo bottle kind of made my day..haha how weird!!

shannon said...