Wednesday, June 26, 2013

shit I just don't understand

My post yesterday was a pretty sweet, so I have to get a little bit snotty today. I'm better at being snotty.

-Non-drinkers. Obviously I will let this slide if you are a small child or recovering alcoholic. I will even let it go if you are pregnant or it's against your religion, but otherwise I just really don't understand. Getting drunk is my favorite thing to do second only to laughing. I am not sure I really trust people who don't like to drink. I mean what's not to like??

-People who enjoy shopping at Walmart. That store is my personal hell on Earth. Once in a great while I forget how absolutely horrendous it is and set foot inside. I always instantly regret it. The Walmart in the little town I live in takes the cake for white trash levels, I am fairly convinced it is the epicenter of inbreeding in the entire state. We are getting a Golden Coral next month, I can only imagine how much worse that will be.

-Football. I really don't get it I'm sorry. I'll tailgate any day of the week though. I'll drink while I'm doing it too.

-People who don't like cheese. If it didn't have so much fat I would eat cheese on everything. I used to get really confused when I waitressed and people would order pizza with no cheese because they just didn't like cheese. What the hell is wrong with you? It's a goddamn delight as Shannon would say.

-Girls who stay with asshole guys. I have a few friends in this department. I love them but I really want to kick them in the shin for dating such losers. You can say what you want about Jose, but he is a damn nice guy.

-People who claim to not like TV. Be honest you're lying. Everyone likes TV. I try not to watch it too much, but during a good hangover I can easily kill 10 hours on my couch with the old boob tube. I am totally content only moving to get food or pee. I won't even start watching new shows anymore because I will most likely get hooked. And let's be honest I have enough to keep up with as it is.

-Girl's who quote: Don't get along with other girls. I stole this one from Stephanie's recent blog post, but it is something i have always agreed with. There is a crazy bitch who has been showing up uninvited every time my neighbor's and I hang out in my yard. She constantly says she hates other girls...I really want to say well then go home because last time I checked I'm a girl, but it is technically the common area (as my boyfriend constantly reminds me). I have plenty of guy friends but they are not anywhere near as awesome as my girlfriends. I could not imagine a life without girlfriends.

-That's all for now. I swear to god I'm not a negative Nancy, I just don't get it sometimes.


Helene said...

YESSSSS omg love this post. people who don't like cheese?! let's be friends please. walmart shoppers? omg.

Cortney said...

Paul and I aren't drinking alcohol for this entire week and I don't get it.. At. All. I do like Wal Mart though! Best place ever for people watching!

Ginny Williams said...

Hey Erin! This was so spot on! All of it. Walmart is sick. Nothing but white trash and people who hate their life and job. Oh and the morbidly obese. No thanks, I'll spend a little extra and shop at Target where I don't have to bathe immediately when I walk in my house after returning home.

Girls who dont like girls....puh-lease. I see this a lot, and I wanna be like: Um we are not in high school anymore. Girlfriends rock. I mean, who else is going to be your bridesmaid? your little brother...??


Venus Trapped In Mars said...

No football. We are going to work on this with you. My goal is to have you liking football by the end of the year. That is all.

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

hate walmart, love booze, hate hangovers

Nini Kat said...

I've never met anyone who straight up doesnt like cheese and im glad. I wouldnt want to be associated with someone so dumb!! I still dont understand football and I have to go to specific walmarts in my city. There are some that are way too crazy and the chances of being shot are way greater.

Chloe said...

Why would somebody not like to drink or eat cheese? Getting drunk is right up there with a few other things I love to do. And cheese...on everything please. And I mean everything. Yumm.'s a love/hate thing around here. I think your walmart and my walmart could be siblings. I walk through it and just shake my head the majority of the time.

I hope Venus gets you to like football. True story.

Anonymous said...

There is a Wal-Mart and a Target in VERY close proxmity to each other near my house. The Target? Awesome and everyone who shops inside wears pants and doesn't have toothpaste on their shirt. The Wal-Mart? Well, let's just refer to

Stephanie said...

Amen! I love cheese and drinking. And I have lots of girl friends. Like you.

Except, football is amazing and I'm obsessed. Turn it into a drinking game, that'll make you like it.

Anonymous said...

Please give me target...I hate walmart with a passion... OH and we had a shooting AT WALMART the other day...and another reason they suck!

Anonymous said...

who the hell doesn't like cheese! Why would you even get a pizza if it didn't have cheese on it?!

Krista said...

This is one of the most amazing posts ever! And seriously, who doesn't like to get drunk or eat cheese?!?!?!!

Unknown said...

God I love cheese. So freaking much. And TV. But the fact that you don't like football really pisses me off Erin. And sweet Tea. I thought we had something. My heart is shattered. What if I spike your tea with moonshine

Yaya said...

Give me a cheesy as hell pizza and some booze (preferably beer, cause I'm classy like that) and I'm a happy camper! Anyone who's not with me is out of their minds!

Tami said...

I second every single one of these things (except football). If you don't like cheese, it's like a mortal sin. Like, keep that shit to yourself. Don't be going around telling people you don't like cheese!

Kailagh Anne said...

Agreed, agreed, agreed!! Holy crap, this post is my life. People who don't drink are just strange, tailgating is great :) Great idea for this.

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

My best friend of 23 years doesn't eat cheese. I am constantly asking her how our friendship survived.

Girls who don't have girl friends are psychos who are not to be trusted.

I don't care if people drink or don't drink, as long as they don't tell me not to drink.

Chelsee W said...

I lv this! I seriously call wal-mart hell-mart, bc I dread going in there so much!

Merchon said...

Walmart might be the bane of my existence. We have to go at lik 8 am on sundays because all the crazies aren't out yet!
Im trying clean eating and there are two things that are the worst part of it. Cutting down on alcohol (Sometimes you deserve a glass (or 4) of wine after work) and cheese. SO HARD!

Post well done!

Spunkee Belle said...

I FUCKIN LOVE IT!! This is so true in all aspects!!

Heidi said...

Love all of this! I don't get football either and I met my husband at a football tailgate...drinking!

Is it bad that when people tell me they don't drink I want to get them drunk to see why?! Hahaha

Carly @ The Pinot Project said...

I don't trust people who say they don't like cheese or TV. Stop trying to sound better than me, you know you fucking love cheese and trashy TV.

Walmart is truly hell on earth.

Kristin O said...

Haha. I agree with it all except for the football. We had a Ravens themed forward to next week!!

Tiffany Khyla said...

Ha! Amazing. I'm a fellow hater of Walmart. Ew. And I think girls that "hate" girls are just attention-seeking. Yup. And I love alcohol. Yummmm. Wine, anyone?

Vett Vandiver said...

love the captions!!

kathy @ vodka and soda said...

i know someone who has NEVER BEEN DRUNK and he's 42. strange, right?

i also believe that the majority of women are straight up c*unts about everything and hate on other women because of their own insecurities. i also hate the fact that (many) women will talk shit about you behind your back but then act all BFF when you're around. if you're being an idiot, i'll say it to your face instead of being a pussy about it.

Kim Brown said...

Ahhahaha- so.true.
Wal-Mart and Golden Corral sounds like a Honey Boo Boo family dream- run!

Kaitlin said...

The girls who don't get along with other girls thing is so just an attention thing. And it's SO annoying. I know this is true because I used to say that, in college. Really I just didn't understand why other girls didn't seem to like me and it made me sad so I pretended it was on purpose. Really, I was awkward. But guess what fixed that -- booze! haha!

NancePants said...

I also give mad side eye to girls who don't get along with other girls.

And come on... people who don't like CHEESE. They are sucky liars.

shannon said...

FYI - if you ever come to wisconsin all we're going to do is sit on the couch with our dogs and drink and eat cheese. hope you're cool with that.