Saturday, February 2, 2013

The perks of being a loser

So, I should preface this entry with stating that I love my job. I really do, it is the best job and I feel really lucky to have it. I do not however love where I live. I don’t hate it, but I am a city girl at heart and the rural life is not for me. I sure as hell will make the best of it while I am here, but I have decided to start looking at other options. I didn’t plan to do this so soon, but I know how freaking awful the job search can be (it only took me a little over a year to find this one after all) so I decided to start searching. I was shocked when I had a callback the week after applying to a job I never thought I stood a chance at. You know those jobs you apply to even though they would be crazy to hire you.

This one called me though…and the position is basically my dream job in one of my dream cities. I had a phone interview, and it went AMAZING!! The woman interviewing me pretty much tried to make out with me over the phone. She told me how she wanted me to come for an in person interview after the first of the year, and how I should really explore the city and look at apartments when I come for an interview. So naturally, I thought I was a shoe in for this job. I found the apartment I wanted on craigslist (aka my bible), decided on the neighborhood I liked best, planned all kinds of fun things to do when I lived there, pinned my new city gal look on pinterest, and pretty much did everything but sign a lease and rent a uhaul.

so then January rolled around and I followed up like a good little interviewee.  Now I know it is hard to read someone’s demeanor by email, but the woman who interviewed me suddenly went all cold and professional and told me they are still reviewing candidates and to be patient. I have not heard back again. What the frick happened to you and me being BFF’s on the phone last week?? When did you decide we weren’t taking yoga classes together after work and I wasn’t invited to happy hour?? Yes, I was determined those things would happen if I got the job. So, now I am waiting, though I got the impression from her recent emails that they want to hire someone local…not the bad ass Marylander that I am. Applying for jobs is like dating, you never know when you are going to get friend zoned, or in my case unfriend zoned.

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