Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Warden's World

Who is this Warden character you ask??

That would be my father. A rare breed; totally anti-social on some days and the life of the party on others.  He likes his scotch expensive, his wine cheap, and no matter how sassy he is to someone they always come back for more.  He is funnier than your average bear and reminds my sister and I often that all we ever did was break his heart and take his money. 

As kids he would take my sister and me out of school for no reason so we could all hang out, regularly woke me up at 2am on a school night to eat chips and watch TV, and played the game hot potato with us when our friends came over....he would use an actual hot potato. 

My dad and I did not always see eye to eye.  We fought like banshees when I was in high school.  He seemed to always want to know where I was going and what I was doing.  I have always been a free spirit and this did not sit well with me, the name Warden was coined by my best friend when I was angry at my dad for not letting the 16 year old me come and go as I pleased.

My dad and I are good pals now.  We go out drinking every Christmas eve, we get nice and hammered then head to the mall to buy my mom her gifts.  We Still both like to eat chips and watch TV, and now that we are states away we text each other when ever he will actually give me the time of day.  He is a busy man the Warden is, and he does not waste his day texting like I do.

Here are some of my favorite conversations:
If you do not have an iPhone, #1 get one. #2 my dad is on the left, I am on the right.

My dad taught me the importance of sobering up with a beer when there is too much liquor in your system.  (My mom is Sandy, but my dad sometimes refers to her as Terry. I can't really remember why, but I know it is not nice.)

My dad thinks off the hook means out of control.

My dad finds random jars of gourmet olives in the house: I miss my parent's fridge.

My dad is never politically correct.

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