Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Real Housewives of Downton

The most important thing I have learned through working in a museum is that people way back when were just like people today. Nothing is different, we just dress a little sluttier now and use iPhones instead of telegrams. 

I mean even in the Jesus days some people were jerks and some were cool.  Throughout history people have not really changed all that much when you really think about it.  I think my point is proven on the fabulous PBS series Downton Abbey.  I was late to the game in getting into this little gem, but now I am a full blown Downton junkie.  I have a Master's in history, so obviously I am a great scholar and can say with 100% confidnece that this is the best period drama since Mad Men. 

It is also further proof that women were bitches even back in the early 1900s.  The ladies of Downton are just as awful as any of the real housewives.  In fact they are pretty much one in the same.

Some people simply do not fit in with their family or in Kim's case group of friends

Some people have really weird freaking names....Shrimpy, NeNe?? They need to bang already. 

Some women are genuinely nice, even some really pretty ones!

Some women you just don't mess with!

Some rich people are into being charitable.

Some dudes are secretly gay.


Some girls aren't exactly nice but we don't hate them because they are so darn pretty.

and some bitches are just downright evil....

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