Thursday, February 21, 2013

Facebook Bitch Slap

This summer will mark my ten year high school reunion.  Jesus Mesus I am old!! That means it has been six long years since I left the happiest place on earth, also known as college.  That being said, many of my 600+ Facebook friends are folks I have not seen in the flesh, nor spoken to in years and years.  Just the other day I was thinking, "man I should really delete some of these jokers I never plan on seeing again."  I happen to be a Facebook lover.  I really like to see what people are up to and stalk their photos.  I get a lot of news from my friend's status updates, find interesting articles, also being states away from lots of my peeps Facebook helps me feel connected to them.  There is also the flip side and some of the political rantings, hundred photo shares a day, and baby mama drama that many of my so called "friends" post make me hate them a little more each day.

I have yet to clean up my friends list however, and today something happened that made me re-consider doing so.  I heard via the Facebook grapevine that one of my old middle school buddies had gotten married.  Naturally I wanted to view her entire photo album and see her dress, flowers, reception, and so on. I love weddings for crying out loud!! I went to do my creepin this morning only to discover I had been removed from her friends list!  I mean granted we haven't actually spoken in probably five years, and I wouldn't say we have been legitimate friends for at least twelve, but what a bitch slap in the face to be removed like that!! I will really have to think before deleting anyone in the future.  If semi-strangers and people I once knew want to look at my loser life on Facebook, what right do I have to stop them!! Stalk away former co-workers and drunken acquaintances...I love you all in my own way.

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