Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Morning Sickness

No dudes, I am not pregnant.  Yuck, I do not like babies (except my niece) and I think pregnancy is sort of akin to alien abduction (no offence).  I do however suffer from morning sickness.

I talked about it briefly here, but I want to elaborate.  This is not a made up disease.  I have suffered from NPMS *non-pregnant morning sickness* for quite some time. 

As a child, I was a bit of a grouch.  Some might even say I was a little biotch, I call it spunk, but whatever.  Anyway, I like most children went to school, and school started f-ing early.  My mom would wake my sister and I up approximate one hour before we had to leave for school.  Due to my affliction, NPMS, the first half hour of my day was spent watching cartoons in one of our green swively chairs with my parents and sister.  I know what you are thinking, umm that sounds pretty normal.  I assure you it was not.  While the other three members of my family watched TV and interacted with one another, I would wrap myself completely in a comforter with just my beady little asshole eyes peering out so I could see the TV.  NO ONE was allowed to speak to me, look at me, or touch me.  This was my time to be alone.  If anyone spoke to me it was not pretty.  I am pretty sure my sister even got bit a time or two.

What shows did we watch you ask?  Well there was only one:

The Magic F-ing School Bus

Thanks girl for helping me get well each and every morning of elementary school

I wish I could have been bright and cheery like you in the morning

This disease has not gone away in my adulthood.  In fact, it reared its ugly head this morning.  I woke up at 6am today to make manfriend breakfast when he got home from work, what a peach I am.  He is on a crazy schedule right now and I wanted to spend a quick hour with him.  I got up, got ready, and made breakfast.  I was feeling pretty ok!  He got home, we ate (I never eat breakfast mind you), and then we chatted for a bit.  About five minutes after we sat on the couch to catch up it hit me.  I don't know if it was the big breakfast I'm not used to, or the fact that I woke an hour before I usually do, but I hit a wall.  I wanted to crawl right back into bed and started feeling soooo tired. It might be partially because I stayed up until 2 watching Downton Abbey, but who really knows.  I am still fighting my eyelids even with some coffee in me. 
I really want to be a morning person, I set my alarm early every day.  I actually would love to be one of those people who works out before work.  I just cant.  I want to so bad and I can't.  Sorry manfriend I dunno how long me getting up at 6 is going to last.  I will try.  But hey, maybe on the weekends I will still be up drinking when you get home....let us see!


Helene said...

I found you through the browse. first i think we should be friends. and second I love this. that is all. this is awesome.

Erin said...

Thanks so much for reading. I just started following your blog and can't wait to read it when I decide to give up on work for the day ;) Hope you have a great weekend, I am just getting started on this whole blogging thing and I gotta say, your page is lovely!

Jill J. said...

Yay...I love this so much. I too have morning sickness similar to yours. I have to sit up in bed for 15 minutes every morning before I can get up and no one is allowed to talk to me. If this doesn't whole day is shot and I feel sick and dizzy all day. Or maybe this is my way of trying to convince everyone a mid day nap is OK! :)

Classy with a Kick

Erin said...

People should know not to talk to you before you are good and ready! I just feel nauseaus if i am up before six! If it is after that, I just have a really hard time making myself get out of my comfy bed :)