Friday, February 8, 2013

The World's Best Cookies

We all have different skills and talents.  Some people have more than others.

Not to toot my own horn here, but I happen to be blessed with tons of sweet skills.

I am a great cage fighter

I can tell if there is bleach in milk

I am also an awesome pastry chef.

Seriously let me on the show Chopped and I will kick every one's ass.

Here is a recipe for the best cookies you will ever eat:

*Soften one stick of butter.

*Add one egg to a large mixing bowl.

*Pour contents of cookie mix into bowl.

(Or yea...that's the good stuff!)

*Next get tired of waiting for afore mentioned stick of butter to soften and begin mixing cookies.

*The mix may look lumpy and not quite right, but just form it into inconsistent balls and put them onto a cookie sheet.

*Don't worry about spacing or anything, obviously, these cookies are 100% organic, vegan, gluten free, and healthy so they will be fine.

*Next place cookies in your pre-heated oven. 375 ya'll!!

*Take cookies out after ten minutes.  They will look a little undercooked so put them back in the oven.  Check them every few seconds by opening the door and looking at them.  It isn't true what they say on Chopped, opening the door and letting all the heat out is always a good idea...especially if you do it over and over.

*Take out your cookies once the edges have turned brown and the centers are still mushy, and enjoy.

(They should look something like this)

Honest to god, who screws up making a bag of cookies??  This guy does.  There is no excuse for those cookies, and I can assure you they tasted just as bad as they look.  I mean I still ate one, but it was not very good.


Helene said...

ahahahahahaha those cookies. omg.

Erin said...

umm yeah they sucked!