Sunday, February 3, 2013

Your hair is everywhere

Can I just say I love this ombre trend. I am glad it seems to be sticking around for a while.

Back in my day we called it "bitch is too broke to afford new highlights", and now it is called ombre.

I have been proudly rocking my ombre (aka I’m too poor for highlights right now) hair since it came in style.

Before too long my hair will just be brown with some blonde tips, so I hope that look comes in style ASAP. We can call it dipdye.


Suzzette said...

I saw a commercial for a home ombre kit. Comes with a comb/brush you put the color on. I can just see that turning into a HORRIBLE disaster to some poor high school girl thinking she can save some money.

I LOVE the look too, but I think it is better to have it done by a professional. :-)

Erin said...

OMG I would never die my own hair!! I learned my lesson back in highschool when i turned my hair purple!