Monday, May 20, 2013

Monica Lewinsky

Lately my damn job has been getting in the way of my blog time and it is starting to piss me off. I have been obscenely busy at the old workplace the last week and now I am at a three day conference (or as I like to call them adult spring break).

Anyway, I typically like to spend the first hour(ish) of my work day doing a lil blog stalking, commenting on other blogs and writing post that amuse me...and probably only me. Then I get a bunch of work done (when I am not busy gossiping with my office mates). As of late, I have had to come in and start the daily grind sucks ass. I want an intern.

I am getting real sick of the "minion" aspects of my job. Back when I was in undergrad I completed two unpaid internships and wrote for two school newspapers for free.
In grad school I did another unpaid internship.

All of these positions taught me how to be someone's little bitch. I think the time has come for me to have a bitch of my own.

-I want someone to get me coffee in the morning when I am crabby and tired.

-I want someone to make copies and fold shit for me. I don't want to stuff envelopes anymore...I have paid my dues.

-I want someone to pick up my dry cleaning (actually I don't really dry clean, but maybe they could do my laundry).

-I want someone to be kind of terrified and mesmerized by me all at the same time.

-I want someone to screen my calls.

-I want someone to pick up delicious lunches for me and to remind me when I have meetings and deadlines.

I am accepting applications. I won't pay you, but I will probably buy you coffee every morning and drinks every night.


Anonymous said...

Yay to free drinks!

I hate it when work gets in the way of my blogging, too! :)

(Seriously) Hahaha. Someone just asked me for something here and I am all like, "Can I help you?" (Get outta my screen!)


Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

Let me and my dog live with you and I would gladly accept the job.

also I'm swamped at work too and I don't wanna do it so here I am!

Helene said...

I am right there with you on this! OMG so busyyy

Anonymous said...

feeling the same way over here! An intern would be fantastic!

Stephanie said...

Man I need a bitch too. Send me the applications you get after you weed out your winner.

AVY said...

Who dry cleans anyway?

How about following each other? Let me know on my blog!


Krista said...

I 100% agree with your morning ritual, as mine is the same way! Oh, and I want a freaking intern too. Sometimes a girl just needs a minion, nothing wrong with that!

Unknown said...

I really want a student teacher so that they can go get me coffee.

Davenport Spud said...

Why don't you get the youngster from glee to intern for you. I think his name is Kurt. Not the cripple he's one of the homos.

You could sit at your big girl desk looking over a report he did for you..You could give a big disgusted sigh, look over your glasses and then demand, "now dance for me".

He could give you that bitchy look when you tell him your shoes are size 6. It would be fucking awesome.

Then tell him your Dad's coming to town and he has to entertain him. You know the first hing your
Dad would do is give him an offensive nick name.

Chelsee W said...

I too hate it when work gets in my way of blogging..or I have to quickly minimize a window.

shannon said...

look. i won't do any of that for you. but if you're interested in paying my way to you i'll let you get me all boozed up.