Monday, May 27, 2013

Fighting fire with fire

Do people ever piss you off? Say in line at a store, a snotty cashier, or rude driver?

Yea me too. And most of the time I am laid back and just kill people with kindness.

Sometimes however I can't keep my mouth shut and get into a little quarrel in public...some people call this being a bitch, I call it spunk.

Here are a list of locations where I have lost my cool and gotten a little shitty with someone...only when they deserved it of course.

Blockbuster-guess what?? Now they are going out of business...looks like I won that one.

Salvation Army-this one happened with my little sister in tow...she was mortified.

The Post Office-learn to drive your car, and don't cop a tude with me.

The Sprint Store-don't be rude, I am about to pay an arm and a leg for a phone, I'm a little ornery to begin with.

Mr. Tire-just because I am a girl does not mean you should attempt to screw me over.

Facebook-you haven't really lived until you have gotten into it on the book.

I know there are like a thousand more locations but I am drawing a blank. I swear I am a pretty nice, easy going girl...but sometimes I just can't. Next time someone gets on your nerves, send them my way.

I sat this to Fred everyday. 


Chloe said...

This had me rolling. I always say something in my head but I never do it out loud. I'm a scaredy girl. Lol.

Chelsee W said...

Haha well I am guessing all of these rude ppl deserved it lol don't worry I also loose my cool quite a bit! Have a great day!

Carly @ The Pinot Project said...

Hahahaa...I have a really bad habit of getting into it with customer service people on the phone, to the point where I know certain companies trigger me so I will have my husband call.

I had to do this with several wedding related things as well. Thank god for my mom and husband and their ability to talk rationally to people on the phone.

Anonymous said...

I'm always to nervous to get into it with people who have access to any private info about me (ie address and stuff). Now, some random being bitchy... oh, yeah, it's on.

shannon said...

OMG yes to facebook fights.
i just like to pop some popcorn and sit back and enjoy those shit shows.