Saturday, May 25, 2013

I pretty much won an emmy

So I am rather new at this blogging jazz, and I must say I really dig it.

I almost pee my pants anytime I get a comment on a post, so thanks for that if you are a commenter.

You can imagine my shock and delight when I discovered this blogger I read on a regular basis Adriana nominated me for a Liebster Award. If you aren't aware it is pretty much an Academy Award. Make sure you read her blog Dog Hair Is An Accessory.  My Michigan sister from another mister Courtney also nominated me, and I would have done the same for her, if someone hadn't beat me to it. So be sure to read her blog The Little Things...And Vodka too. Both those blog titles pretty much sum up my life, and they are really awesome blogs.

There are a bunch of rules I need to follow, and I hope I don't mess them up so without further ado here are the instructions...if I nominate you make sure you do this shit too or I will come get you.

This award is to be presented to blogs who have less than 200 followers.

I have no doubt after winning, my follower count will skyrocket...

After being acknowledged, you should...
-Acknowledge the blog that nominated you in a post.
-Tell 11 facts about yourself.
-Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created.
-List 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that you believe deserve some recognition.
-Post 11 questions for them to answer.
-Notify all the bloggers selected that they have been nominated.
-And finally, you can't nominate the blog who nominated you.

Here are my 11 facts:

1. I am left handed.
2. I am an event planner.
3. I am writing this from a Days Inn.
4. I could live on chips and guacamole.
5. I like dogs more than most people.
6. I love to cook.
7. I love to eat more.
8. I started running recently because of #7.
9. I think laughing is the best thing in the entire world.
10. My favorite color is green.
11. I feel like I just completed a MySpace survey, and I didn't hate it.

Here are the questions I was told to answer from Adriana:

1. Who's been your biggest bloggy help?
-Well this was pretty damn helpful. I would have to say the first bloggers who were super nice and helpful to me were Bourbon and Glitter and Helene In Between. Those are some good bitches right there. But honestly everyone I have interacted with has been the cat's pajamas.
2. What "Most Likely To..." superlative would you get now? (doesn't have to be traditional)
-Most likely to get into a fight in a check out line.
3. What's your favorite movie to quote?
-Step Brothers, no question.
4. What's one thing that surprised you about blogging?
-That I haven't become internet famous yet.
5. What's the first thing you do when you get home from work?
-Take Fred for a walk.
6. What's your favorite social media outlet?
7. What's your go to/signature drink at the bar?
-Jack and Diet
8. What's your dream career?
-I want to be the director of an art museum eventually, but at the moment I am doing exactly what I want to be doing.
9. How many times do you snooze your alarm in the morning?
-like 48
10. What's your favorite summer activity?
11. Flats or heels?
and from Courtney:
1. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
-I pretty much like any type of ice cream, but if push comes to shove cocnut chocolate chip...yes that is a real kind.
2. Channing Tatum or Bradley Cooper?
3. Your all time FAVORITE quote?
-"Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats." Story of my fucking life.
4. If we were stranded on an island, what are three things that we'd most definitely need?
-Booze, a friend, sunblock (i'm so white it's sad)
5. What's one tip you could give about blogging?
-You have to really make connections before people will start reading your blog, I always thought it would be easy to get in fact takes some time.
6. What's on your summer bucket list?
-Lots of travel.
7. Do you have any funny/strange/gross/amazing hidden talents?
-I am a pretty good hula hooper.
8. What's your biggest fear?
-scuba diving, and I am terrified of ladders...but not heights.
9. Besides mine (wink), who's blog do you read the moment you wake up?
-Helene in Between and Bourbon and Glitter and Gin and Bear It.
10. What's your biggest pet peeve?
11. I'm throwing a party. What are you bringing?
-Some delicious appetizer and lots of wine...probably some shot materials too.

Here are 11 questions for my nominees to answer:

1. If you could bang any celebrity who would it be?
2. What is the coolest place you have ever traveled?
3. What's the funniest thing that has happened to you this month?
4. Coke or Pepsi?
5. Favorite TV show?
6. Describe your personal style?
7, What's your idea of the perfect night out?
8. The perfect weekend?
9. What type of dog is the cutest in all the land (other than Fred
10. How did you loose your virginity? Just many shots do you usually take on a Friday night?
11. What do you like best about where you live?

And here are the gals I am nominating. 
Little Pink Droppings
Lobster Lovefest
Champagne and Pizza
Mandy's Mission
Friday Morning Buzz
Life by Liz
Sarcasm and Stilettos
Everyday Adventures
Eventfully Crazy
A Mess of Beautiful Chaos

For those of you listed who don't "Know" me just yet, I either just started following you and haven't commented yet, or I just have been busy as shit and haven't commented in a while. Either way I like your style. If you have more than 200 followers, sorry I clearly just can't count.


Nini Kat said...

I know the feels about the Myspace feeling. I use to fill those out all the time! I havent hoola hooped in a long time. I should try it out again. I use to school the girls in my aerobics class!

Cortney said...

Yay!! You did it :) and I like that you're bringing shot materials. I appreciate you.

Anonymous said...

I looooove the new blog design. Yay! Great job! And I just saw that you nominated me. Woohoo!

Heather T. said...

Just saw that you nominated me - thank you so much! I feel so honored - I've been swamped at work but I will definitely try and get a post up honoring this tomorrow :)

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

I'm the worst. Just read this now. I love your answers and Step Brothers is the top Will Ferrell movie in my book