Monday, May 13, 2013

a lady in the streets...

Here is a list of fictional characters I would like to bang in no particular order:

1.) Jax Teller. I don't feel like I need to elaborate on this, but I will say a few things. What woman doesn't love a man who can be sweet to his newborn son then stab or shoot someone the same day. Someone who stands by his friends to the end and has the dreamiest hair on the planet. A man who rides a motorcycle like a bad ass and is smart enough to trick the FBI. And then there is his body...

2.) Don Draper. I really have never wanted to be anyone's other woman as much as I do with Don. Even though he frequently gets so drunk he makes a scene and vomits in public (let's be honest so do I), I would gladly let him come to my apartment when my husband was at work.

3.) Gatsby. And not because of the movie either. I loved that book since the seventh grade. I love drinking, parties, and money therefore Gatsby is a dreamboat if you ask me. Plus the 20s is like my favorite decade ever.

4.) Aiden from Sex and the City. He is way hotter than Big. Plus he had a Brittney spaniel and designed furniture...that shit is so hot.

5.) Zach Morris. Don't even do too.

6.) A.J. from Empire records. I love artists, and I really love longish hair. He was a stone cold fox.

7.) Daniel Cleaver in Bridgette Jones Diary. I could care less that he got caught with a hooker...I would probably pay to sleep with Hugh Grant, especially in this movie, but really any of his characters are bangable in my opinion.

8.) Andy from Weeds. I think he is insanely attractive and I like how goofy he is. Plus if I was banging him I would get to hang out with Kevin Nealon all the time.


Helene said...

my top pick from your list... Zach morris. maybe it's just bc I still have SBTB on the brain. who is jax teller?! don't hate me.

Cortney said...

I think I'd want Aiden AND Big.. At the same time. Just kidding!! Kinda.

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

DEFINITELY Zach Morris. I would also need Jax to shower ..

Nini Kat said...

haha I scrolled down too fast because at the end I saw Michael Jackson and I was like wutt.... Not that there's anything wrong with that :P

and I'll take Don Draper while pretending I'm from the 60's.

Stephanie said...

hahaha let's be honest, so do it. I hear that!
And A.J. yesss!!

kathy @ vodka and soda said...

oh, jax teller for sure. he's all kinds of sexy!

Venus Trapped In Mars said...

Did you see last nights episode of mad men??

Unknown said...

As long as Jax has taken a shower, I am all over that. Doesn't he look all kinds of greasy/smelly but still sexy at the same time. How is that possible??

Chloe said...

Don't mind if I comment multiple soon as I read Jax Teller I had to come down here and say I love you so much. That is the sexiest,dirtiest, bad assiest bad boy in the whole entire world. And if I ever meet a real him it's on.

Chloe said...

And AJ, awwww he's so sweet and sentimental. Love that movie!

Heather T. said...

I have always thought that Aidan was the perfect guy. Obsessed. I could watch that season all day.

shannon said...

boom. we're soulmates.

Rachael said...

OMG Jax....he's my ultimate tv crush. And of course Daryl from walking dead.