Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Some of the weirder shit about me

I know you probably thought I was perfect, but I actually am sort of an odd duck.

-I occasionally have a trouble telling time. And by occasionally I mean usually.

-I don't like to eat with my hands. I cut everything up even sandwiches.

-I really like to people watch. I have no shame about it and just stare sometimes which I know is downright creepy.

-I spend money like a Kardashian most of the time, but there are some odd things I am a real cheap ass about: parking, cell phone cases, picture frames, shit like that. I don't really get it.

-Sometimes I miss Fred while I'm at work and I look at pictures of him on my phone.

-I close out apps on my phone compulsively.

-I get anxiety when I drive in construction zones.

-I have to have my shoes tied equally tight on both feet and cannot stand to wear two different socks. Or if one sock is more stretched out than the other. Truth be told I really don't like anything on my feet but flip flops, but sometimes this isn't an option.

-I have to clean while I cook or I will just loose it.

-I hug a pillow at night when I sleep.

-I like to soft bite Fred's ear. I don't know why I am choosing to share this with the Internet but what the hell. I put his soft little ear in my mouth and I bite it sometimes. With my lips not my teeth don't worry, that dog is anything but abused.

-Manfriend on the other hand is abused. I like to pull his arm hair sometimes because I think it's funny.

I am going to stop now before I show any More of my true colors.


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

when i had a dog, i'd do the same. then she'd look at me like: WTF, lady?! and then get up and walk away.

Vodka and Soda

Karla said...

Hahaha, I clean while I cook too. Especially while waiting for water to boil or something because ain't nobody got time for that.

Jordan said...

I clean as I cook too because I hate watching everything accumulate. Yuck. I can't stand the little red notification thingies on my phone so I have to check them all before I can function properly. It's strange but it really does make me feel uneasy. Same with having to close apps!

Miss Riss said...

I get anxiety when I, in general. HATE it. My friends probably think I'm rude cause I always try and get out of driving places, especially events where I know there'll be a lot of traffic. I can't help it though!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I clean when I cook too, I hate being done with the meal and then having to clean at the end. I want to sit and enjoy what I made. Seamus is my screensaver so every time I check my phone I see him, helps me miss him less.

Stephanie said...

I hate when my shoes aren't tied the same! It drives me crazy and I have to sit there and fix them until they are perfect, no matter how long it takes.

Tiffany Khyla said...

Haha I feel like I just learned so much about you, and I love it! I like to kiss my puppy's head all the time. I haven't tried the soft biting of the ear bit though. I don't think she would like it. She'd just look at me weird. I do the same thing with looking at pictures though. I love my dog more than anyone (oops. Not ashamed).

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

I hug a pillow, too!
But what kind of weirdo eats a sandwich with a fork?!

Monica L said...

I would much rather always be in flip flops or barefoot! I don't think I've ever come across someone who eats sandwiches with utensils haha but that is interesting!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I "fake bite" Gus all the time (lips not teeth). I don't do this to the other two dogs. WTH.

I have been keeping a list of my weirdness. It's not long enough to unleash on the world wide web yet.

Jen @ That's What She Read said...

fellow pillow hugger and manfriend hair puller right here!