Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Life lately...

...has been pretty darn good.

Pretty darn good indeed. I hope your's has been too.

Just last week Maryland got hit by snowmageddon, or whatever the kids are calling it these days. It caught me by surprise, as I have not seen a lick of snow or cold temps in the three years I have been here until now. As a former Michigander I am pretty tough when it comes to cold and snow but the state of Maryland is not.

The whole state went into a tizzy when we got a few inches and I for one am glad. Glad because it resulted in me getting a day and a half off work. That's right they actually sent us home at 11am last week when it started to snow. That is unheard of in Michigan.

I decided there was only one thing to do when I learned everyone I knew was being sent home and that was to have an adult snow day. So we did. We ate chili, drank bloody Marys, and played darts.

It was so much fun in fact I passed out at 9pm.

Only working 2.5 days last week what with the snow days and MLK day was pretty swell. I think I could really get on board with only working 2.5 days every week truth be told. When last weekend rolled around I wasn't even burned out from work for a change.
Manfriend and I stayed in on Friday night and watched a bunch of movies. It was nice. Saturday I went to good old spin class then came home and got on my movie watching clothes and we drove the 55 minutes to the movie theater. Yes, I live 55 minutes from civilization, it's great.
We thought we left plenty of time to go out for lunch before the movie started but traffic got the best of us and we arrived at the theatre with only 15 minutes to spare. So we did what any reasonable people would do and went across the street to the mall food court. We order two gyros which I stuffed into my purse, a water and a Dr. Pepper went into my coat pockets and into the movies we went.

Look how inconspicuous I am. You can't even tell I have two meals in that bag.
And to my delight when we walked into the theater, I learned that the movies now offer recliners. If you have never enjoyed a movie from a recliner you are really missing out. It was fantastic.
Speaking of fantastic we saw American Hustle. It was honestly amazing and you should go see it right now. Especially if you don't live and hour from the movies like I do.

That night we decided bowling was a great idea, so two of our friends joined us at the local alley. We had a few beers and bowled and then it was decided we should go across the street to the bar, because one of our friends had never been.
Right away the Fireball began flowing and that is never good. I danced with a few strangers, threw darts that all hit the wall, and that is about all I recall.
I have been blessed in the recent past with no hangovers. It has been upwards of six months since the hangover gods have graced me with a visit. That is until this weekend.
I woke up Sunday morning feeling like death warmed over. In fact all four of us were in terrible shape.
I stayed in bed until 2pm only getting up to toss my cookies a few times, and take four showers. I really like to shower when I'm suffering from a hangover.

Lucky for us, Fred was being an absolute delight and let manfriend and I be complete wastes of space all day. I finally began to feel normal again around 4pm. I am hoping that was my last hangover for a while because I am really too old for that shit. I just don't like it. I am not drinking again until Saturday and that is a promise guys.
How have things been in your neck of the woods??


Karla said...

Hahaha, my hometown was the middle of nowhere too. 40 minute drive to the movies. I want my movie theater to have recliners!!! SO cool!!!

And LOL to the snow in MD.... CT is the saaaame way. I still had to go to work, but it was nice because I was the only one on the road. =D

Miss Riss said...

Can I just say that I am soooo jealous of everyone's snow days?? What the heck! I wanna be sent home from work due to weather conditions! Also, I thought it always snowed in Maryland, no?? Those reclining movie seats are BA!

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

i'm glad i'm not the only one who sneaks food into the movie theater. i think it's just a thing that my peeps always do - bring food because who wants to pay for food? NOT US CHEAP CHINESE FOLKS. i once saw a family bust out a full-on meal - tupperwares of hot food and thermoses etc. i almost dug out my chopsticks and said: YO! pass the schezuan chicken!! haha!

Vodka and Soda

Tracie Everyday said...

That sounds like a fun extra long weekend! Ov eof the splurges we have is to go to the movies that serve booze, but I always have to pee at the good part!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I always bring my own food into the theater. I do like the popcorn though.

I have stopped drinking so much because I don't have days to lose to hangovers. If I know I'm going to drink a lot I legitimately need to plan a day to do nothing. Getting old is a bitch.

Jordan said...

We always sneak snacks in and have snuck beer or whiskey in a few times as well. Darts is ALWAYS fun, that is definitely my favorite bar game!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Haha! We snuck snacks into the movies too this weekend! Those recliners are awesome. Ours doesn't have them yet. Georgia is now shutting down for an impending ice/snow storm and I died when I read they were only getting 6 inches and is is warmer there than here. It is too funny. Guess they just aren't used to it. Glad you managed a snow day though.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

I sneak shit in the movies all the time. The only thing I won't sneak is pop because it makes that noise and everyone knows you didn't get it from there. haha

Helene in Between said...

adult snow days, can we be besties please? you are awesome.
Sneaking stuff into movies, playing with our dogs. i see it all now.