Friday, January 10, 2014

road rules

So this guy and I recently drove 12 hours to and 12 hours back from Michigan. In a car. With a giant dog.

And it sucked ass. Like really, I hate car trips. Put me on a plane any day.

I like short road trips where you aren't on a strict deadline and you can enjoy the open road and all, but when you just want to be where you are going and there is a half of a day in your way, no thanks.

I have done this hellish commute more times than I care to admit now though, so I have come up with a few ways to not go nuts.

-Eat everything. You can literally never have enough snacks on the road. I would estimate I have a snack about once every 12 minutes when I am in a vehicle.

-Choose your rest stops wisely. We were fools and did not grab dinner at the rest stop with a panera bread when we had the chance. Not sure why because it meant we wound up a Podunk rest stop with the only dinner option being Roy Rogers. I had never even heard of that. And it was not good.

-Better yet, pack your own dinner. I usually get some delicious subs to go with all our snacks in the car, but I wasn't on my A game this year.

-No road trip can begin without getting a gas station coffee to kick things off. I mean it. This is a rule.

-You will probably need lots of coffee on the road.

-Have a good play list of tunes to keep you happy.

-Bring a warm blanket and pillow. Especially if your travel buddy runs at 131241 degrees so he is turning down the heat any time you look away.

-Dress comfy. I refuse to wear real pants on anything longer than a four hour trip. For me it is leggings and ugg boots all the way.

-Get yourself some non-music shit to listen to. I go for pod casts and comedy Cd's. They keep you interested when you start to get weary.

-Have lots of waters, yes it will make you have to stop to pee a lot, but if you are snacking as much as I do, you need a little something to wet your whistle.

-Update your Facebook status every thirty seconds or so to keep things interesting.

-Play the if I win the lotto game over and over, but get real serious about it. Because, why not.


Amy @The Crazy Wise Woman said...

Having done the Atlanta to Detroit trip a bajillion times I feel ya!! Good advice, especially rest stop food. If you see something good, eat it. The next exit will be a gas station pizza if you don't. And slip on shoes or boots for everyone in the car, laces slow you down. And never real pants!

Cortney said...

First of all, holy long hair!! Love it.

Second, NEVER eat Roy Rogers again. A girlfriend of mine had it on a road trip home from the Jersey shore and I literally had to stop at every exit the whole way home she was so sick.

My road trips to NY sound identical. Never wear real pants is my number 1 rule.

Cortney said...

First of all, holy long hair!! Love it.

Second, NEVER eat Roy Rogers again. A girlfriend of mine had it on a road trip home from the Jersey shore and I literally had to stop at every exit the whole way home she was so sick.

My road trips to NY sound identical. Never wear real pants is my number 1 rule.

Tami said...

I am on board with all of these, particularly the gas station coffee. I have a three hour drive ahead of me after work tonight and plan on making a snack run on my lunch break to stock up!

Miss Riss said...

My husband and I NEVER leave on a road trip without first stopping at a gas station - coffee for me and a fountain drink for him! Hahaha

Wine and Summer said...

I usually eat all my snacks before we have even left the driveway...

Chelsee W said...

Wow look at your hair!! I so hate driving anywhere much less road trips!

Margaret said...

AH! I hate long road trips. They are the absolute worst. Doesn't help I have the attention span of like a 2 year old and get antsy super quick. Thankfully my husband is a damn saint and lets me sleep- which helps pass the time more quickly.

Duh! Danae said...

I like road trips just for the first reason I seem to just stuff my face unnecessarily when on a road trip

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

i have a bladder the size of a quarter so i have to really watch what i drink otherwise we'll be stopping at every rest stop and it'll take us eleventy billion years to get there.

Vodka and Soda

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

First you look gorgeous! Second yes coffee and snacks are a must! Music is key and a plug for your cell phone. I once made it from Mass to Ohio in 14 hours with only 4 stops but more would have been better.

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

Real pants are totally overrated for any type of travel.

I always bring TP for my small bladder side of the road pit stops.

Kristin O said...

We go for Monster energy drinks and combos. Usually our go to at every gas station. My new thing is mini rice cakes. yuuuummm!!

Rachel said...

comfort, LOTS of food, good books, fun music--that's my way of handling crazy road trips. And yeah, I was in the car for 13 hours yesterday...I've had my share of such trips!

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Comfy clothes and snacks are a MUST! And Dramamine for me because I've been known to upchuck.

Heidi said...

My Dad once drove us from Texas to Minnesota when I was a kid and never again will I do that with him. Now it's our rules or you can get out of the car! Snacks, coffee and pee stops are a must. Plus buying gas station sunglasses.