Friday, January 24, 2014

the great spending freeze of 2014

The cat is about the leave the bag guys....

Manfriend and I spend a lot of friggen money.

On trips, and food, and coffee, and everything really.

that's a $12 frozen glass of sin right there....

I mean, I literally have some sort of a disease where I can't stay out of Target and as a result I buy so much shit I don't need.
After our little jaunt to NOLA I realized we had spent a small fortune in  just three days. Like so much I don't even want to think about it or I might barf. It was worth every penny and I don't regret it one bit, but I do need to behave here for a few weeks.
It's just so hard because Jose and I are really good at living like rich people but according to our paychecks we are just regular people. Weird I know.
I have a trip coming up next month to Austin where I'll no doubt blow the bank and we are going to a concert in DC in just a few weeks which always runs us a boatload of money what with our drinking habbits and all, so until those things happen I am going to be making a vallient effort to not spend money.

No coffees, no dinners out, no bars (we have so much booze in our apartment we have no need to leave), no shopping, I repeat no shopping.

I have somehow convinced Mr. Spendypants to go on a spending freeze with me too. I imagine we will only last a week but we are shotting for three. Wish us luck.

that gator knows we're poor. He likes us anyway.



Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

confession: we are the same. it's awful. although this month, i straight up told M: TOUCH THE CREDIT CARD AND IMMA CHOKE A BITCH. DO THE SAME TO ME, OK? so we've been really good this month. but it's just so easy, right? why do they make it SO easy to spend money?!

Vodka and Soda

Miss Riss said...

Good luck on your spending freeze!! Hopefully you have more will power than I would! Ha!

Tracie Everyday said...

We've been doing the same over here too! Like you, I am also a Target addict which really gets me into trouble!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Good luck! I am doing the No spend January with Steph and I just want to buy more not less! It is like everyone is now having a sale on everything?! Why?! Cue whiny tears!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

You got this!

Day 24 of my January Spending Freeze and I want to buy every MFing thing. BUT I WON'T.

Tami said...

UGH we are the exact same way! spending all our money like it aint no thang... but that's what gives me my jollies in life! Even just a week or two without spending will make a huge difference. Good luck!

Helene in Between said...

fingers and toes crossed!

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Ohhh, Target. We live DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM ONE. It's a gift and a curse. Don't make eye contact with any. That's my advice to you.

Rich said...

Great read thannks