Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Some more pumpkin shit

Even though Halloween has come and gone, the world's obsession with all things pumpkin is certainly not over.

Just ask Starbucks, or Dunkin Donuts, or anywhere in American...if you can eat it or smell it they will put pumpkin in it. Just the other day I was trying to buy some Febreeze at the Family Dollar (because I won't pay full price for shit like that) and the only flavor on the shelf was pumpkin. No thanks.

You will never catch me drinking a pumpkin beer or late or Febreezing the dog smell out of my house with the scent. That is not to say I hate pumpkins. In fact I find them quite adorable. And delicious.

But only in their natural form. I do not eat pumpkin flavor, just real pumpkin. I will eat a pumpkin pie or soup any day...just keep it away from my coffee.

But enough of my pumpkin rant, I present to you today one of my newest concoctions: Pumpkin Hash.

This post is also the perfect proof of what an awful blogger I am. I made this delicious recipe that actually looks gorgeous on account of the purple potatoes, and I did not snap one photo...not one!! Trust me, I am as disappointed as you are.

But I am going to share the recipe anyway because it was really good.

Pumpkin Hash

You Will Need:

1 Pie sized pumpkin
Jalapeno peppers (if you like is spicy)
Purple and regular potatoes
Olive oil


-Preheat oven to 350. Cut pumpkin into chunks and roast in the oven for 30 minutes or until tender...I left the skin on, then it peeled off easily after the pumpkin was cooked, but if you want to be wild chop the skin off first.

-Chop purple and regular potatoes and carrot into bite sized pieces and roast them in the oven for about 20 minutes or until they are pretty well tender.

-Cut up your peppers and onion and saute in olive oil for a few minutes. Next add in your roasted pumpkin and veggies and salt and pepper to taste. I did not use any other seasoning because I put in a shit load of jalapenos for flavor, but I am sure rosemary or sage or any other seasoning that doubles as a song lyric would be tasty.

-Stir the pumpkin in carefully so it doesn't get too smashed. A little smashing is ok, but you want some chunks. Lastly add in your garlic. I always add my garlic in last so it has a stronger flavor. If you aren't addicted to garlic like me, add it in whenever you want.

-Keep your hash mixture on low heat and get your eggs going.

-I only eat poached eggs so that is what I made for myself, but the boyfriend likes a fried egg so I made his over easy. Any style egg you prefer would work, but some yolk really brings it all together so my vote is poached or fried.

-Serve the hash on a plate with your egg placed on top and enjoy.

It tastes like a combination of breakfast heaven and fall. You will like it.


Miss Riss said...

Mmmm sounds nommy =) ...I can't lie, I totally get all up on the pumpkin train come fall. Except for pumpkin M&Ms. That's blasphemy.

Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

Im really curious to see what this looks like... i may have to make it just to see it haha

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Pumpkin. Flavored. Errthang. I'm all over the smell but not the taste. There is NO escape this time of year.

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

when i read "pumpkin hash", i thought of hash like the drug hahahaah!

our mayor just admitted that he smoked crack cocaine so drugs are at the forefront of all canadian news right now.

Vodka and Soda

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I don't really get on the pumpkin bandwagon. I do like pumpkin pie though. Sounds delish especially with the egg on top.

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

That sounds fabulous!

Merchon said...

Wow, never thought about this! Sounds delish!
Halloween being over is no reason to forget pupmkin, I am not ready for anything Christmas yet.


Tiffany Khyla said...

So sad that you didn't snap a picture, but at least you remembered how you made it! Sounds tasty! I wish I had your culinary skills. I love breakfast heaven, and fall.

Kim Brown said...

I like the egg photos. This sounds really good!