Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A bunch of damn grinches

Now I make it no secret that I am pretty much Miss Kringle when it comes to all things holiday cheer.

I have watched ten (yes ten) hours of cheesy Lifetime/Hallmark holiday movies in the last two weeks, I can't stop shopping, and I am already mulling over what to wear to various holiday affairs.  I recognize that not everyone loves the season like I do, but yesterday my Christmas spirit got thoroughly pissed off.

You see, for our work holiday party, a different department plans the party each year. In the 2.5 years since I have been here it has not been my departments turn. This year is the maintenance department and since the department is comprised entirely of men I struck while the iron was hot and told the department head I would be his bitch in regards to the party planning.

One of his ideas for the party (which I find super sweet) is to hang signs around the room that have everyone's description of what the holidays means to them printed on them. So at the chili cook off the other day he asked that everyone write just that on an index card. He collected them and yesterday asked me to design the signs.

As I typed out everyone's holiday sentiments, most were sweet and said things like, "eat, drink, and be merry" or "time with friends and family".

You had your occasional weirdo one like, "hot cocoa and burning things". Clearly I work with an arson but whatever.

And then there were the down right nasty ones and it really made me sad. Number one, the department head who asked for people to write on the cards is about the nicest man you could ever meet in your life so even if you hate Christmas you think you could find it in yourself to lie for his sake, but no.

I read through card after card that read Grinchy ass shit like this:

"Obligatory time with strange family members"


"Empty wallet"

"I can do without Christmas"

"Not a fan"

"Bah Humbug"


What the frick is wrong with people? I just don't get it. How can you hate something so wonderful? And I am not talking about Christmas per se, because I know there is Hanuka and Kwanzaa and shit to consider, but I mean the holiday season as a whole.

You know what the holidays means to me? Well I will tell you, and you should tell me too, because i need my spirit restored...

-Spending time laughing with friends and family.

-Drinking my mom's homemade Irish Liquor.

-Eating delicious homemade food and cookies.

-Baking cookies for everyone you know.

-Buying presents for kids you don't know...what other time of year does this happen, riddle me that!

-Finding the perfect gift for someone you love and lighting up when they open it.

-Dressing your dog up for holiday pictures.

-People extending kindness...Jose and I were invited to Thanksgiving dinner by my co-worker because we are not able to make the trip to Michigan. It is so kind and generous of their family to take us in, and just the other day another co-worker asked if we had anywhere to go and offered a place if we didn't. That melts my friggen heart.

-Driving around looking at Christmas lights.

-Sitting around a table and sharing a meal with people you care about.

-Being just a little bit nicer to everyone you pass.

-Putting your change in a fake Santa's pot because you know it goes to a good cause.

All these things. I know the holidays are expensive and there is a lot of work involved, but they are really only as stressful as we make them, and I think if more people would just relax and enjoy instead of going bonkers with spending money and rushing around they could start to love the season too.


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

here's the key to enjoying christmas besides chilling the fuck out: PLAN AHEAD, BITCHES.

that's it.

instead of procrastinating and waiting 1 week before christmas, start your shit EARLY, like in November! then you can do a little each week and by the time you're in mid-december, everything is done and all you need to do is sit back and wait to EAT ALL THE THINGS.

Vodka and Soda

Amy @The Crazy Wise Woman said...

Every thing on your list is exactly what I would say! Maybe cause we are both from Michigan. Screw all those Grinches... what is wrong with people??? My life is a complete shit show but I am alive and healthy and so is everyone I love! Heading up to MI on Friday to kick off the holiday season with my fam. I'll have a pasty for you!

Miss Riss said...

Your last paragraph says it all!!! I've always wondered that, like people always say how stressful the holidays are and blah blah blah, and I'm just like, why?? I don't understand. It's the holidays! It's festive! You a few days off of work! You get to hang out with your family! It's fun people!! I mean, I get the money thing, the shopping madness thing, sure those are frustrating, but just as you said, we all have control over that. Ooooh can't wait for December!

Chloe said...

I hate people who don't have Christmas spirit and then they spew their nastiness on to every one else. Ugh. Just make sure you're uber nice to these people and maybe they'll stop being grinches!

Rachel said...

My parents stopped putting up their tree after we moved up and tried to be grinches but I force them into the Christmas spirit..damn grinches.

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Yes, it is all about the good things. "Spreading Christmas cheer for all to hear!!" I am usually done with all my Christmas shopping by the first week in December. Trying to do everything last minute is what is stressful! Do a little each week in November and it is not so much. It is all about spending time with family and being NICE to people and friends. Helping those in need.

Monica L said...

Definitely not a fan of grinches! The Holidays don't have to be all about money, if you don't have it don't spend it quality time is more important. And if you don't like your family spend it with people who make you happy so your not grumpy!

Jordan said...

My two theories are that those people either A) have really shitty families so the holidays are miserable for them and/or B) don't have their shit together so they're just stressed around this time of year. Who else wouldn't like this time of year???

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I am not Christmas's hugest fan but I'd never be an asshole grinch and rain on someone else's parade.

Chelsee W said...

I too am not all about this season, but I think it is so rude to impose Grinch tendencies on others...total dbag moment for sure.

Stephanie said...

I love Christmas. I love the holiday season and people who are grinchy about it are lame and those complaints about stress and no money or sleep is due simply to lack of planning. To which I say (a) you're an f-ing idiot because the season comes around the same damn time every year, figure it out and (b) don't be a grinch to everyone around you because YOU can't get your shit together.
Rant over.
So in not grinchy spirit, do you do this? http://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/
So cute!! And perfect for those 'time crunched' grinchy jerks.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Good lord. I mean, what a bunch of weird ass TURDS. I can understand if Christmas isn't someone's cup of tea but surely you can find SOMETHING to like about it. I have an early gift for you... a link to all the diff holiday movies on all the diff channels. You're welcome!


Tiffany Khyla said...

I love the holiday season! I just don't understand why people are so grumpy. No one is making you spend all your money, and people should WANT to spend time with their family that they NEVER see any other time of the year. I love Christmas movies and picking out the perfect gifts for my friends and family. There's just so much to love, and I hate when people are so negative about it. Grrr