Friday, November 15, 2013

It's bad...

I have been bitten by the Christmas spirit bug way too early you guys.

I am a huge lover of the holidays. All of them really, but especially Christmas.

Usually I try not to get too into Christmas until after Thanksgiving because I think all holidays deserve their time in the spotlight.

That is just not possible this year though. I just can't even wait. I have already watched three Lifetime Christmas movies and have been buying decorations like it is my job.

I think this weekend is as good a time as any to get my tree, and I plan to bust out all my red and gold shit from the storage bins.

I haven't done a whole lot of shopping yet other than a few things for Jose, but I do have my handy list with gift ideas and my secret boards on pinterest ready to go.

I like to make a Christmas craft every year to hand out and I think it will be ornaments this year. I might even try my hand at baking some's about to get wild ya'll.

So in lieu of my holly jolly spirit I am going to list off a few of the reasons I love Christmas. I would appreciate if you would share your reasons too, 'tis the season kids.

-The music. My god do I love Christmas music. My top songs are: Baby it's cold outside (any version really), All I want for Christmas it you (Mariah), and Dominick the donkey (it's incredible).

-The food, good lord do you have opportunities to chow during the holidays. I mean I feel like that is really all that happens in the month of is like a constant buffet and I am ok with that.

-Holiday parties. My work has about seven various parties during the month of December and it is great. Who needs to work?

-Presents. I mean sure I like getting them and all, but my real love is buying them! I get such a high off finding the perfect gift for someone. And I am a damn good gift wrapper.

-People are so nice. It seems the spirit in the air makes everyone just a little bit nicer during the holidays and that is a great thing.

-The hustle and bustle. I love rushing around getting things done and seeing the stores crowded with makes me feel warm and giddy inside.

-The decorations. I love looking at Christmas lights, and trees, and everything in between. And don't even get me started on Christmassy events like tree lightings...I go to them all, they make me feel like I'm living in a Lifetime movie, which is honestly my goal in life.

-The drinks. There is always a reason to drink during the holidays and that is ok in my book.

-Family shit. It is nice to see my extended family from time to time and Christmas forces me to do this.

-Christmas movies. They are all so good.

-Dessert. I feel like there is no time where it is as acceptable to eat dessert seven times a day as it is during the holidays. No one will even judge you for having cookies for breakfast.


Rocking Robin said...

LOOOOOOVVVVEEEE this post and everything in it! All the same reasons I love it too! But Dominic the Donkey and Donde Esta Santa Claus! Favs!!! I live Christmas and my nuclear family and getting together! I just love it all! I want Christmas to Chen barf in my house yesterday, mkay, thanks bye!

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

girl, you already know how stoked i am about christmas! my fav song is "let it snow" (can't remember who sings it) but the old version.

christmas movies - elf and die hard (1 and 2) are at the top of my list. i've already seen elf like, 3 times so far.

shopping will continue this weekend and i'll be finishing up writing my cards this weekend too!

Vodka and Soda

Stevie C said...

Yay i'm not alone!! I'm all Christmas-ed out too. I LOVE when Kenny G comes on my radio playing " We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and I go out of my way to avoid "The Christmas shoes." It's like a game every year!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I love this time of years, all the movies (Lifetime is on like all the time when I am home) and the lights, and music! So gets you in a good mood!

Rachel said...

I want my tree up...NOW. I am also listening to Christmas music.

Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

I just started taking my fall decorations down so I can put up Christmas stuff, today!

Stephanie said...

I love all these things, I love Christmas and I don't care how early it is! Did you give me your address yet? I don't think so - I need to send you a Hawkeye Christmas card!

Miss Riss said...

Google "Santa Can You Hear Me?" by Britney Spears and tell me it's not one of your new favorites ;) Love that jingle...

Nichole @ said...

Hahaha, YESSS Lifetime, and AMC Family sucks me in early with their Christmas movies.

Helene in Between said...

it's hard not to get bitten by the chrismas bug when it's all around you!! so i totally understand that!! i love christmas movies. fave thing ever.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

I may have gotten bit by it today at Target. I wandered into the Christmas section against my better judgement and found myself bopping my head along to the music. I hated and judged myself for it because usually I like to wait until AFTER Thanksgiving to get into it... and up until this morning I was doing a good job of it. But damn you, Target. DAMN YOU! I refuse to decorate though. But I ammmm going to pop in a Christmas movie. Home Alone. Can't beat the classics. And I'm with you on the food. Any excuse to eat as much as I want of whatever I want is a good one in my book!

Misty, Handbags + Handguns said...

Ditto to all of it. I just love Christmas so freaking much.