Thursday, September 26, 2013

the best shit ever

As a result of the recent Roast of James Franco, I decide to re-watch the cult classic Freaks and Geeks. Now if you have never seen this show, stop whatever you are doing and go watch every episode. Trust me on this one. It is too good to be true and I cannot for the life of me fathom why it only survived one season.

I would like to say I only watched one episode a night and it took me like a month to re-watch, but we all know that is a lie. I stayed up way past my bedtime for a solid week and watched this shit like it was my job. You should follow suit, it might change your life.

I could go on and on about how amazing this show is, but for the sake of all our sanity I will keep it to just a few hundred reasons why Freaks and Geeks is the Best Shit Ever.

-Because it proves without a doubt that Jason Segel is the most marriable man in America. Whether he is playing Nick Andopolis or Marshmallow, I think it is safe to say every woman with a TV set wants to bang him. His character in Freaks and Geeks is literally the epitome of what I looked for in a man whilst in high school. Tall, handsome, vaguely musically talented, and stoned. What more could a woman ask for, and guess what he grows up to be an adorable environmental lawyer named Marshall Erickson, so whoever said pot is the gateway drug clearly never met him.

-Because you get to experience what life was like for Linda Cardellini as a teenager in the 80s and as an adulteress in the 60s. A little confusing really, but what can you do. She is gorgeous in any decade. If only she had stayed with Nick she would probably not have been lead astray by that wild Don Draper.

-Because Sam, Bill, and Neal are literally the three sweetest boys on the earth. They will break your heart with their innocence and good intentions. The episode where they swap out real beer for fake beer at Sam's sister's party so none of her friends will get hurt is just too much. Naturally Bill winds up getting hammered while he protects the real keg. They are the type of kids you would want to have.

-Because Janice Ian loves disco.

-Because James Franco is friggen gorgeous. Even as a "punker".

-Because you don't completely hate Seth Rogen in the show. If you have watched many of his movies or listened to any of his interviews, it is pretty easy to despise Seth Rogen. But in the role of Ken he is almost likable. Especially in the episode where he is crushing on a tuba player. It is actually pretty sweet.

-Because Rashida Jones is a bitch. We all know Anne Perkins is mean to no one, so this role really showcased her acting talents.

-Becasue Shia Labeouf played a crazy ass mascot.

-Because Ben Stiller is a secret service man. Model, nurse, dodge ball player, museum security guard...I mean is there anything this man can't do?

-Because of this conversation:

Neil: So I wake up and guess what is on my bed
Bill: A turd?
Neil: yeah Bill, a turd
Bill: Gross

-Because Bernard the elf makes out with Sam. Talk about a Christmas miracle.

-Because the show is set in Michigan. There is no better place to grow up. 

-Because you are genuinely sad when the season is over. You know a show is good when you are legitimately emotional over the fact that you can't watch it anymore. Well played Judd Apatow. Well played. 


Stephanie said...

Indeed. They just left me hanging, so rude! And Sam is now a psychiatrist on Bones and he looks exactly. the. same. but loads taller.

Kim Brown said...

I have never seen this show, but I love all the actors in it. I'm totally going to check it out. I'll send my husband your way when I'm rooted to the couch for the entire weekend ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG! I never knew they were all in this show!!!! I am gonna search it and watch it!

Rachel said...

OMg is that one kid Sweets from Bones?

Tami said...

I love all of these actors and have never seen this show! What is wrong with me?!

Jordan said...

I started watching it and for whatever reason never finished the season! This convinced me to get my head out of my ass and finish it up.

Monica said...

I haven't seen this show but now I feel like I am going to torture The Boy by watching it every night!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I have never seen that show but what an amazing cast!! Wow!

Alyssa said...


Miss Riss said...

OMG Janice Ian! Crazy, I've never watched this show ever, but kind of crazy all these peeps are on it!!

Misty, Handbags + Handguns said...

I keep meaning to watch this.

You Just Do said...

Love love love this show!!!

shannon said...

UMMMMM sign me up for this show.
i've put it off for too long but this post just solidified my need to watch it.

Tiffany Khyla said...

I've never seen this show, but I want to so bad! I saw Rob Thomas speak this past weekend, and he talked about how much he loved producing/directing/writing this show. I must seeeee