Thursday, October 10, 2013

I'm feeling drunk, and 21

I have been on a low carb diet as of late which has been cool as it results in me getting way drunker way easier.

See also, I fell asleep on my living room floor last Saturday. I'm awesome I know.

In addition to being a much cheaper date these days, I am feeling like a kid again. You see I was a bit of a wild one in my younger years if you can believe it. So when I saw Adriana of the blog Dog Hair is an Accessory was hosting a link up about her 21st birthday memories I figured it was the perfect excuse for me to jump back on the blog wagon. I promise tomorrow I will have a really lame post listing various excuses as to why I am a shitty blogger.

But for now, let's take a wobbly walk down memory lane back to Michigan State University.

To set the scene, I spent my junior and senior year of college living in a giant ass house right off campus with seven of the wildest girls on this planet. You read that right, seven. There were eight of us in that damn house and it was incredible.

I can vividly remember the night before my 21st sitting in our living room with most of my roommates drinking airplane bottles of vodka and talking about how it was the last time I would ever underage drink. I got a little misty thinking about it then proceeded to drink lots of those little bottles as the girls showered me with gifts. They are the best friends, and not just because they give awesome gifts. That year they got me a coach wristlet. This was the age when the coach wristlet was the ultimate must have. I believe I owned about four hundred of them at the time. Cell phones were a lot smaller back then, I don't even know if an iPhone would fit in one of those bad boys these days.

The next night (my actual Birthday), my cousin drove in from her college a few hours away and she, my roommates, and two of my best guy friends, and I went out to dinner..there is a good chance I was wearing a tiara. The restaurant was Mongolian BBQ, I ordered my very first legal drink at Mongolian BBQ...I guess I owe a lot to that place, it really started me off on the right track.

Following dinner, my roommates had to go back home as I was the first one in the house to turn 21 and the guys, my cousin, and I set out for the bars.  I don't remember much because I was drinking heavily and also because it was 7 years ago, but I do know that the guys hated my cousin and at one point I decided taking my bra off was a good call.

I do remember what I was wearing and that was one of those one shoulder numbers in black, most likely from Fashion Bug. My style has come a long way since college when I really liked the slutty polyester tops with American Eagle jeans look the best.

After the bars I was dropped off at home and the guys bid us farewell. It is a good thing they left because rumor has it I put on my real birthday suit and ran around my house throwing cake at all my roommates for the remainder of the evening. And it wasn't just any cake, my co-worker made me one of those barbie doll cakes and it was friggen adorable.

Moral of the story, cut me off after I remove my bra. It is the only way to avoid cake throwing.

I also thank the good Lord that no pictures remain from that fateful night. I am pretty blessed that smart phones were not a thing during my real wild days.

Feelin' 21 Link Up


Kristie's Blue Jeans said...

Your 21st birthday sounds awesome. I kept thinking when writing my link up, "thank god there are no pictures to exist". It's crazy how much has changed in 6-7 years. And I defeintely agree, slutty tops and AE jeans were the best things to wear!

Helene in Between said...

hahahaha i love that you ran around nekkid. awesome.

Wine and Summer said...

Haha! This is a fantastic 21st story!

Margaret said...

Too bad I totally took my bra off at a wedding a few weeks ago. It was itchy and my dress didn't need it. I kept drinking though...and dancing.

And that's probably the besssst 21st birthday cake ever.

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

That cake is too cute!! I thought the night is just beginning when the bra comes off?

Anonymous said...

I have left many a bra in random places. Strapless dresses sometimes don't need them and I wear them anyways and then they hurt and life is easier without a bra. Yup. Love your barbie cake.