Wednesday, August 14, 2013

watermelon style

If it really is true when they say, "you are what you eat," then there is a very good chance I will be turing into a watermelon any day now.

To be honest I am perfectly ok with that because I think green and pink are pretty cute colors so it could be a lot worse.

For reals though I have been eating the shit out of watermelon lately. I just love it. I even feed it to Fred the dog who eats it off the rind like the human he is, he also eats corn on the cob like a pro.

In addition to your plane jane watermelon, I recently created a bomb ass watermelon salad. It taste a bit like a mojito so you know I loved it.

It was a hit with most of my friends, though admittedly not everyone liked it. Here is the recipe in case you want to impress people with your mad fruit skills anytime soon. And I even measured for ya'll this time so be impressed. I never ever measure.

Watermelon Salad

You will need:

4-5 cups of cubed watermelon
2 cups arugula
5ish sprigs of fresh mint
3 Tbs. feta cheese
1 lime
1/3 of an onion
3 Tbs. olive oil
3 Tbs. vinegar
salt and pepper to taste


-Chop watermelon into bite sized cubes and add it to a bowl with your arugula. Finely chop 4-5 sprigs of mint and add it to the bowl along with some feta cheese. (I just used a bit because I was trying to keep it low cal, but I imagine it would be more delicious the more cheese you use)

-In a separate bowl combine the zest and juice of one lime (I zested the whole damn thing) with 3tbs. of olive oil, 3tbs. of vinegar, and a few shakes of salt and pepper.

-Mix the dressing well (I used my sexy little hand mixer but a whisk would do). Add the thinly sliced onion to the dressing and let it sit for 20 min or more.

-Dress the salad right before serving.

In addition to being quite delightful to eat, the salad is pretty. Like possibly even prettier than the chef who made it. I am sorry I forgot to snap a pic of the finished project but I can assure you it was gorgeous.


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

you and me both, Erin. i love watermelon (i eat it all day errr day) but i just don't know how to pick them so i make my husband do it. and i am refusing to talk to him now because this is the 3rd time that i've asked him to get me a watermelon and he hasn't yet so he's not getting any love from me.

Vodka and Soda

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I love watermelon!! This sounds so good! I will have to try it! Feta makes everything better! :)

Helene in Between said...

i just made some watermelon granita and have some left over and i might need to do just this!

Savannah said...

This sounds so good! I love watermelon. I had a watermelon martini recently. If it wasn't $8 I would have had 6.

Anonymous said...

I looove watermelon. I eat it every day as part of my lunch. This salad sounds mighty tasty. I usually eat it plain or with chili salt. Sometimes I make a little salad with just watermelon, feta, and balsamic vinegar. Tasty.

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

should have made a shark!

Unknown said...

1. I wanted to like Adriana's comment.
2. That salad sounds divine. Yummy!