Friday, August 16, 2013

The Worst Places to Pick up Men

Yesterday I spilled the beans and told you all the places where I used to meet the men when I was single. Well today i am here to share the flip side of that coin and tell you where not to go...If any of you ladies out there have had luck in these locations I stand corrected, or maybe your relationship is doomed. It's too soon to tell.

-An AA meeting. Who wants a quitter? And I think we all know dating a man that doesn't drink is no fun. It's nice to have a DD and all, but that's what cabs are for.

-The gym. Unless you are one of those assholes who looks pretty while she works out. I am not. I look like a red faced rat after sixty minutes of cardio and the men are not going to love that.

-The salon. I like to get my hair did. I also like the fact that my boyfriend does not care about getting his did. I mean he cuts it and all, but for me the metrosexual phase went out of style in the 90s. I like a more rugged man.

-Your bestfriend's family reunion/party/gathering. I have dated a few brothers of friends in my day. It has never ever ended well. Don't go there. Brothers of ex-friends is perfectly acceptable.

-Speaking of family, don't meet a man at your own family party/reunion/gathering. He may be a distant cousin. This ain't honey boo boo land, we don't want that.

And there you have it. The five best and worst places to meet you a man. Now go getum tiger.


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

ok, i'm chinese jamaican and the ChiJam community is huge and EVERYONE KNOWS EACH OTHER and because of this, we're all "cousins". majority of the time, it's not blood-related but for some stupid reason, we call all other ChiJams who know one another that and it's too close to home...of course, i didn't know this when I was young and stupid so in grade 9, i started dating another ChiJam and when my dad met him, he said: oh, your dad is so-and-so and he owns XYZ business in jamaica, right?

i looked at the guy and dumped him right there because i had no idea if he was a cousin and didn't want to find out. i never dated another ChiJam again.

Helene said...

i hate gym guys. like the ones that have on barely a shirt and think they are hot shit. gross.
haha and ewww family gathering.

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

The salon!! Haha. Yeah don't need a man who takes longer to get ready than I do!! It almost never ends well with a friends family member!

Stephanie said...

HAHAHAHA "Your bestfriend's family reunion/party/gathering. I have dated a few brothers of friends in my day. It has never ever ended well. Don't go there. Brothers of ex-friends is perfectly acceptable."

Indeed. I'm dating the brother of my ex best friend. Aaaaaawkward. But acceptable.

Chelsee W said...

Haha you are too freaking funny. I seriously need you to come take over my life sometime. Fortunately since I am the big sister I have never had to face the possibilities of dating my brothers friends..that would be just gross(he is 16) lol

Leyla said...

Totally agree!Great post! :)

Only a storm in a coffee cup

Monica said...

awesome! Yea I look crazy during/after a workout and the last thing I want is some dude trying to talk to me then

shannon said...

maybe you and i should go to these places drunk and see what happens.