Monday, August 19, 2013

Lessons Learned

I like to think I am a pretty intelligent person. I mean I have a Master's degree and I make slightly more than minimum wage so clearly I am doing something right, but I am ashamed to admit when it comes to some subjects I am just completely ignorant.

One such subject is the wild world of crystal meth. I am embarrassed to say I don't know the first thing about how to make, sell, smoke, snort (or however you do it), or frankly even where to buy it should I want to try the stuff. Crazy right? It's just something I never gave much thought to I guess. Luckily a show has swept the nation, and is educating me and everyone else who watches Breaking Bad on the topic. I still have lots to learn before I can cook up my own batch, but I really feel blessed to have gained so much knowledge from the show...and you can too.

1. Every recreational vehicle on the road is potentially a mobile meth lab. Just because that elderly couple you see driving down the interstate looks sweet and innocent, there is a real good chance it is just a front. More likely than not they are cooking up a big ass batch of meth in the back of that RV.

2. When trying to poison someone don't keep the poison in with your own cigs. Look at how much freakin trouble that cancer stick caused. I mean sick kids, dead drug good, no good at all. Keep the poison in a bottle with a skull and crossbones on it like they did in the old days. It's the only way.

3. Do not fuck with anyone named Walter. Walter White, Walter from the Burbs, Walter Cronkite, Walter Matthau. You get the picture. All totally bad ass.

4. Never trust your teachers. Particularly sciences teachers, but all of them really. Anyone who willing chooses to spend eight hours a day with twenty children they did not birth likely has some issues.

5. When your dad is up to no good, you can get him to buy you lots of cool shit. Affairs, drug scandals, etc.. if his conscious is guilty you can totally score a sweet car and heightened allowance.

6. You never know what secrets your family members are hiding. And most likely it's the ones who seem nerdy that have the most skeletons in their closet, so tread lightly.

7. Car washes are shady.

8. Super smart people are dangerous. Every single time it seems like Walt and Jesse are done for, Walt comes up with some genius scheme to save their asses. Lilly of the valley, the nursing home, working for the enemy, you name it he manages to cheat death and lock down. He also has more money hidden in the walls of his house than the rest of us will see in our lives. Well played Walt, well played.

9. Filling your bath tub with chemicals is not a good idea. Not a good idea and messy to boot. Not to mention what that can do to resale value.

10. Someone with multiple cell phones probably sells drugs. It's a "business" phone, sure. Sure it is. A meth business phone.


Katie said...

HAHA I Love it! We had a storage place near my neighborhood and they had a lot of RV's. I was always very nervous that the neighborhood might blow up!

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...


the only exposure (not me personally, but friends have done it) to meth is during the rave scene. he took some and then we couldn't find him for SIX HOURS because he was hiding underneath the stage "from the skeltons that were coming to get him". seriously, wtf. when he told me that, i was like: ok, so i will never ever do crystal.

the drug choices in those days were: meth (we called it 'crystal'), ecstacy, coke or special K (ketamine). i never went for anything else other than X because the other stuff "was too hard" X wasn't a hard drug but when you're on X, it's all about PLUR and love and everyone is your best friend.

if you were on anything else, you were all wack and a "druggie" LOL

Vodka and Soda

Victoria said...

yep, true. all true. you forgot walter jr. don't mess with him either.

victoria @

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I have never watched Breaking Bad *gasp* I know but seriously I feel like I need to know because there are a lot of lessons I could be learning. Thanks for watching my back girl! ;)

Chloe said...

I started to watch Breaking Bad a couple of years ago. I liked it, but we have so much shit to watch we never got caught up. I feel like a loser.

But, I live in the meth capital of the United States so I could be on the show. I've never done it but I know enough people. lol.

Chelsee W said...

Haha I have never watched this, but I have heard it is one crazy show!

Erica said...

The Boyfriend has two cellphones, so naturally I'm always accusing him of pimping, hanging out with strippers, and running a drug enterprise.

Miss Riss said...

Good to know. I'll add Breaking Bad to my repetoire of drug shows via the Nat Geo channel (they seriously have the best oens) the end of it all I should know how to use and make any type of drug out there. Oh yeah. ;)

Helene in Between said...

haha this is awesome, i have only watched like 1 and half episodes of the show but I can still totally get this. and I don't think i'll ever do meth. no thanks.

Margaret said...

haha- I love this! I just started watching the show- yes, I know, I'm a little behind. But I love it!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO reading this post just verified that I need to watch this show, you make it seem so cool! lol.

Unknown said...

YES! This was perfection. Never fuck with someone by the name of Walter. Another thing is you gotta learn how to lie. You can't keep pushing people off with the "What do you want to hear from me?" That's how Skyler got dragged in so deep.

Kim Brown said...

thanks for reminding me, I totally need to get caught up on this show! I hear only great things about it.

Kelly Louise said...
best show ever!

Misty, Handbags + Handguns said...

I'm on season 4 of BB.. trying to catch up before the finale. Such a great show! said...

If you have Netflix you can watch the entire series seasons 1-5a. Then you can be all caught up on it.

shannon said...

breaking bad is batshit fucking crazy and basically i can't even handle it. i appreciate all of this. so thank you.