Thursday, February 6, 2014

why god why...

Ya'll know if you read this blog very often, I am not a big fan of diets. I am more a fan of the seefood diet where I pretty much just eat all day everyday.

Don't get me wrong, I eat clean, like 99% of the time and I work out a lot so I am not just stuffing my face with crap, but I honestly don't worry a whole lot about calories or fat or any of that jazz. Mostly because it is just depressing to think about how many calories are in cheese and other delicious foods I love, and partially because I just don't want to do any sort of math.

Then the other day I decided to step on the good old scale. I was taken by surprise when I realized I was just ten pounds away from my high school weight. I was shocked to be honest, and even though I do genuinely believe weight is just a number and it should not be all one cares about, I am also a girl...and I would love to be able to weigh what I did ten years ago (yea I'm old guys) and you know then I can wear my prom dress to all the galas I attend.

So I decided to cut the carbs and sugar and get this....booze. For one week, to see how it goes.

And it goes sucky. I miss carbs a lot.

And chocolate. I am only on day four and I am hoping I can last the rest of the week.

Pasta has never sounded better. I even went so far as to buy Flaxers the other day. That's not a typo, those would be crackers that are made entirely of flax seeds. I was hoping I could fool myself into thinking it was a cracker. I was wrong.

Boy was I wrong.

If I see any change in the scale after a week I will probably go on for a while longer until I can reach the ten pound goal. If not, I am having some quinoa stat.

Anyone else off the carbs?? If so, let's stay strong together.


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

nope. no can do, my friend. i need me some carbs for the workouts i do. i tried the no carb thing when the southbeach diet was all the rage and all it did was turn me into a pile of raging garbage and i forgot everything, couldn't remember shit, had trouble forming sentences and just couldn't keep my eyes open. it was then i realized that shit like this is not normal so i stopped.

Vodka and Soda

Kristin O said...

Oh girl...could not do that!! Get it with your bad self!!

Miss Riss said...

KUDOS to you girl!!!!

Amy @The Crazy Wise Woman said...

Good for you! Tell me what you make with quinoa? I love it but I only have one recipe for this thai salad with cashews... need more!

Tracie Everyday said...

We go through low carb/no carb phases in our house. It's usually when I feel tired and sluggish. I never cut out sugar or booze though :) Doing all at once would probably kill me!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I am not one to cut out any food group, they all exist for a reason! Godspeed and please take a photo of yourself in prom attire!

Jordan said...

I tried no carbs once and it fucked my metabolism UP. I understand no "bad" carbs (no white bread, pasta, etc) but we still need complex carbs (veggies, fruits, brown rice) too. I hate to sound preachy but just be careful, you don't want to restrict yourself to the point of hurting your metabolism, especially if you're regularly working out. One should never EVER feel guilty about eating quinoa! Also, if this is a temporary thing, you'll hit your goal weight and then gain it back once you start eating what you gave up. It's a shitty thing but that's just the way our bodies respond to that.

So be careful! I made that mistake once and I would never do it again.

Chloe said...

I have to have carbs. Or I'm a mean crazy bitch.


Morgan Sparks said...

No carbs suck, but no alcohol sucks more. I am eating very few carbs (wedding diet) and as much as I want a huge bowl of pasta right now, I want to fit into my wedding dress more. I have also cut back on alcohol (I can't give that shit up completely). I love coming home and pouring a glass of wine while cooking dinner, but I've cut all that mess out. I ONLY drink on the weekends or if it's a special night out. It will be worth it in the end.. at least I hope!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I feel your pain girl! This winter has left me with a few extra pounds and I am working to get them off. I typically get my carbs from veggies only though.

Nini Kat said...

Stay strong! I admire the will power. It sucks because carbs are in everything, and theyre so delicious. I think I was paleo for like 10 days last year, it was awful! For the most part, I try to keep my carb intake low anyway. It sucks because I love tacos :(

Tami said...

GO GIRL GO! That is AWESOME! good luck staying off the carbs for a bit. I don't eat a ton of carbs these days but I gotta have my chocolate and spaghetti.

Helene in Between said...

well we discussed this :) but i def think cutting out sugar helps me A LOT. i need to get my butt in gear for sure.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

I could never give up carbs. I don't think it's easy to maintain for the long haul. :/

Heidi said...

I'm doing the same sorta thing! It's rough the first few days, but now I feel so good I love it! I cut out carbs except for once or twice on the weekends and I cut out alcohol for 20something days. That's all I could last for. This chick needed some wine or someone was gonna get hurt. You're awesome for cutting out chocolate. Or just crazy. ;)