Monday, February 10, 2014

this weekend v. every other weekend....

Remember how I said I wanted to lay off the carbs (just the simple ones ya'll), sugars, and gasp...the booze for one week?

Yeah, well beleive it or not I did it. Even this weekend I didn't cave. And you know what happened?? I had the most productive of all the weekends known to man. I am not really sure if it was the absence of all the delicious afore mentioned things in my body, or the fact that manfriend worked all weekend but let me tell ya I got a whole lot done.

And while I am still a firm beleiver that a wicked hangover is a fair price to pay for an amazing night out, I will admit it was pretty nice feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed all weekend. I don't plan to make a habbit out of abstaining from the drink or anything, but once in a while it might not hurt.

So here is the way a typical weekend in my life looks:

Friday night:

Go out drink a shit ton of Miller Lite and Fireball Whiskey.


Wake up feeling like a big sack of death. Force self to attend spin class and look around as others judge the fact that your sweat smells like cinnamon flavored booze. Go home. Utilize investigative research to piece together the previous night's shennanigans. This includes scrutinizing credit card receipts found in purse and asking questions of others. Take twelve or fifteen showers throughout the day. Lay on the couch with Fred watching reality TV. Order Chinese so much I need a nap. Start feeling better around 8pm. Repeat Friday night but sub red wine for Miller Lite.


Repeat of Saturday but sub Mexican food for Chinese food.

This weekend looked a little different though:

Friday Night:

Went to zumba, came home and made dinner. Watched the Olympics with manfriend and Fred. Learned Russians are in fact a scary lot. At least the ones in the audience at the opening ceremonies.


Woke up at 6:30am (you read that right) Went to a 90 min yoga class at 7:30. I thought I was really good at yoga, then I took this class...I still can't move my arms.

After yoga, I went grocery shopping to get some goodies for dinner (I invited some friends over for dinner). Got all the groceries and even a special treat for my son.
Returned a broken humidifyer to Lowes (without the receipt booyea!), took myself out for breakfast at this wonderful gormet bistro known as Panera Bread, went to another grocery store for the last of my dinner needs, bought a new suit, came home and showed Fred his froyo surprise. This was all before 11:30 mind you. Then I suited Fred up and we ran five miles, came home and had crepes for lunch (both of us yes).
After lunch, I cleaned a little then went and got a hair cut.


My new hair looks just like my old hair minus a few split ends.
Came home, started getting dinner ready and did a little more cleaning.
The friends came over and we had a fabulous time chit chatting and stuffing our faces. I made pork loin (always good to try somethying you have never made for guests...luckily it was good), mashed potatoes (cruel to make mashed paterers when you are off the carbs), and a nice salad.
After the friends left Fred and I headed over to my girlfriend's house for a play date and movie night.
The dogs did aborable shit like this:

And this:

I woke up feeing great again because of the lack of delicious booze the previous night. I went to spin class in the morning, then got a coffee and came home.
Cleaned the rest of my house.
Made cupcakes for Jose's birthday (it's today!). I am not much of a baker, but I actually was sucessful this time, and whipped out some salted carmel cupcakes. And by sucessful I just mean I didn't burn anything or use salt instead of sugar like I've been known to do in the past.

Took Fred on another play date, this time at the dog park. Came home and watched a movie (he layed on top of me of course). Then we cooked dinner for manfriend and watched the Olympics some more.

Fred is pooped to say the least.



Helene in Between said...

your hair looks really good. also, i agree, sometimes you just have to say no to getting hammered and it is amazing what you can accomplish. That did not happen to me this weekend however.

Morgan Sparks said...

If that's not a productive weekend, then I don't know what is. YAY for sticking to your no carbs, no booze goal! That's awesome! Also, happy birthday to your man!

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

hahhaha not sure about you but those differences in weekends became more apparent as i got older and the hangovers became less and less. at my age, that shit just isn't worth it because it takes me DAYS to recover from a big night of drinking. and then there's the 5 year old alarm clock that is ON all day, erryday so even if i felt like a bag of ass, i wouldn't be able to rest or recover because i have a 5yr old harping in my face all the live long day.

as soon as you permanently park your ass in old hagville, call me and we'll hang.

Vodka and Soda

Kim Brown said...

Man, I am jealous of your productive weekend! You hair looks great too :)

Tracie Everyday said...

That sounds like such a productive weekend! And Happy Birthday to man friend! I'm glad your mini detox is going well! The weekends can be the hardest part.

Cortney said...

Your hair looks amazing and I'm so jealous of its length!

I'm also jealous of how much shit you got done this weekend. I didn't go out drinking either but still managed to do absolutely nothing with my life. Proud of you!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Seriously the difference is hilarious! You got so much done and so many workouts in. Sadly that is the majority of my weekends so I must be living the old hag life.

Kristie's Blue Jeans said...

Holy cow, you have made me feel like a class A underachiever and I didn't even get wasted at all this past weekend. BTW, love Panera, you lucky girl.

Chelsee W said...

Wow you a strong woman to go to spin class after that! Love the hair :)

Monica L said...

I wish I could be this productive when I don't drink!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I crave productivity more than booze, so most of my weekends look like this now.

How did Fred like the wagurt?

Heidi said...

I just laughed so hard at your description of your typical weekend because I can relate SO much. Back in Houston and during our early months in NC they were just like this, including the sweating it out, asking questions and looking at receipts and the Chinese food!
Looks like a great productive weekend. The first time I did this I asked the hubs, is this what normal people do?!

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

This. Girl. Is on fiiiiyyyuuuuuhhhh!

Kristin O said...

What an awesome weekend!! lol. You did get a lot done. You may have just motivated me to get my ass in gear this weekend. I need to stop being lazy!!!

Miss Riss said...

I really really really wish I could muster this kind of, at all. At any time. So jealous! Hahaha