Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Textual Messages

So this may sound a little cray cray given we live together but the manfriend and I don't see each other much during the week.

Here is the thing, he gets up friggen early. Like out the door by 4:30 am early so he goes to bed before your grandma or 3 year old I guarantee it.

I on the other hand do not care to rise before 7am and like to watch TV into the wee hours of the night. I get off work around five and then head straight to the gym every night. That puts me home between 7:45-8:15 every weeknight.

Manfriend is in bed by 9:30 so you do the math. We pretty much eat and then he hits the hay.

We do however keep close by sending each other roughly 49,030 text messages per day.

Here are some of my recent faves.

True story, I fell over in my office. Luckily no one heard me.

Jose realized his wallet was missing right when he got to the Thai place, we go there so much they let him take it and pay later. Turns out his wallet was at the Mexican restaurant we went to earlier that day, where I had left my purse just a few weeks before. We drink and eat a lot what can I say.

This was our convo the other day leading up to Adult Snow Day 2014, don't worry I stopped eating the broccoli. Jose also freaked me out when he said his boy got arrested. I assumed it was one of our hood rat friends and not the Beebs.


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

um, i'm in bed by 930pm (and usually asleep) so i fully support jose! YOU CAN SUCK IT!! haha kidding.

i love that you and jose are silly and send silly texts. i have never closed the window of the text messages my husband and i send each other. sometimes i scroll back and laugh at all the dumb shit we send each other.

Vodka and Soda

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Love all the silly texts. I am in bed by 10pm but I get up at 5:30am so I am old too.

Amy @The Crazy Wise Woman said...

Is it sad that I am not attracted to nice guys who have zero personality via text? Dafuq is wrong with me????

Miss Riss said...

This is cute =) . Whenever I want to send a text message to my husband I have to scroll down reallllly far to find the last converstaion cause we hardly ever text. Mostly it's just me sending him a message and him never replying. It's whatevs I guess ;)

Morgan Sparks said...

Your conversations look very similar to mine and Steven's. I'm sure people would think we were crazy if they ever got a hold of my phone and read through them. We are also on a similar schedule. He's out the door before I even wake up and I don't get home from the gym until about 6:30. That leave a couple of hours for dinner and tv time, then off to bed to repeat the same thing the next day..

Rachel said...

AHA you guys crack me up!

Monica L said...

Haha The Boy and I have the same situation except I am the grandma that goes to bed at 10:00 exactly every night so he and I keep in contact mostly by text all day.

Jordan said...

I'm up and at it at 4:30 too so I understand going to bed early. Dereck calls me a grandma on a regular basis. We use that granny emoji a lot. Thank goodness for texting right? Also, thank goodness for the screenshot function.

Tracie Everyday said...

We are total opposites! I have to be asleep by 10 and awake around 6am to be at work and Gabriel stays up late watching tv, then has a flexible work schedule. I love your guys text messages thought, they are too funny!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

hahaha! I love random text threads.

MFD and I are frequently on different schedules. Texts are where it's at.

Kym @ Travel Babbles said...

hahahaha! This post cracked me up! I've often thought about taking screenshots of texts between me and my hubs but I'd likely publicly embarrass him ;)

Helene in Between said...

seriously, text messages keep the love alive!!!

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

"Adult Snow Day 2014" ;) *eyebrow wiggle*

Tiffany Khyla said...

Haha y'all were obviously made for each other!

Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

My guy is in bed by 930/10 everyday and I dont get out of work till 830. Doesnt leave much talk time but we're making it through. We text all the time, esp if we see something really stupid haha

Allison Seyler said...

I love you two.

Can I come visit again soon? Or come to Baltimore, boo!