Friday, February 7, 2014

tooting my own horn.

This might sound crazy, considering I write a blog that I share with the whole wide internet, but I find it hard to write about myself. 

I mean I love to tell you all my drunken antics and funny crap that happens to me, but spilling the real beans is still hard to me. But I guess I am feelin crazy today because I am going to get serious.

JK. I'm not, but the above statement is totally 100% true. I am working on it though.

I will tell you some things that make me prouder than punch though because I feel like I need to focus on the good today, because sometimes we all need to and I have been feelin a little stressed truth be told. And you should too.

-I am a great dog mom. For reals. Fred has it made. I pride myself on making that big furry mess of chocolate fur's life as good as it can be. His smile is all the thanks I need. And yes he smiles. He's mostly Pitt, google pitt bulls smiling, they have the best smiles in the world.

-I can out drink most grown men. Well maybe not, but I sure can hang. It takes a lot for me to get sloppy drunk and I like that. I am pretty darn good at pacing myself and staying up late with all the hardcore kids. Trust me if you are the first one to pass out you miss a lot of good stuff.

-I am strong. My mom used to call me the pack mule because I have always been a bit of a beast. I am the one people make lift all the heavy stuff, and I don't mind. Now that I work out like a mad woman I am even stronger. I can also carry a whole lot of junk at one time thanks to all my waitressing days. It comes in handy more than you would think, especially in my line of work...event planning is not for the weak, we move tables a lot. Glamorous I know.

-I am learning to dress better. I should say re-learning because there was a time when I was quite the stylish little devil. Then I got super fluffy, moved to the middle of nowhere and took a job with no dress code and that all went out the window. I have, as of late made a conscious effort to get dolled up more often and I have found it results in men buying me gas station coffees from time to time in the morning. That I will take.

-I am becoming less of a jerk. I can be a bit of a snot here and there and ain't nobody got time for that. I have noticed myself becoming much nicer in the past year and for that I am really happy. I think it is a combination of learning to pick my battles and feeling better about life and being content and all that zen crap, but whatever it is I am even more of a delight than I was a while back.

-I have become real outdoorsy. And not just in the sense that I like to get drunk on patios (though I certainly do). No, as a result of moving to the middle of nowhere I am now the type of girl who goes hiking for fun (even by myself sometimes), can start a fire, and genuinely enjoys the company of nature. I like that about me. 

That's about it for now because otherwise I am a bit of a mess, what are you proud of??? A lot I hope, because we are all pretty cool in our own way. 


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

it's like you're writing all about me! except for the drinking thing - i'm asian and we asians can't handle booze very well and by that, i mean not at all.

which is another reason why you NEED TO COME TO TORONTO LIKE, ASAP!

Kristin O said...

Aww great things to be proud of!! I tell people the only reason Mike fell for me was because I could drink more than most of this friends. haha.

Amy @The Crazy Wise Woman said...

I love this post. I know not everyone shares all their personal stuff like I do but I like learnign a little more about everyone from time to time. And I'm a nosy B. And I can drink most guys under the table too. We are sisters from another mister:)

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I love this!

I have a post in draft with the same title, but it's about women not doing this enough. I hate when people are ashamed to say what they're good at. Toot toot! YOU GO FRIEND!

Jordan said...

I am proud to be a shitty runner slowly working her way to a mediocre runner. I am getting there and you are my inspiration! (I still can't get over how you sometimes leave your car at the bar and then run to go get it the next day. Like... what.) This was an awesome post and I know I need to be a little more personal but I'm kind of scurred. I just like to keep it light. This is getting long, have a great weekend!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

These are all things to be proud of so toot away! I love camping too so anytime I can be outside (when it is nice out) is a good day.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Picking battles is very important! I always thought I was good at it but I'm trying to get better... it's definitely something you have to consciously think about! You SHOULD be proud of your progress!!!! :)

Tiffany Khyla said...

These are all definitely reasons to toot your own horn! I can definitely tell that you're a good dog mom. Anyone who looks at pictures of their dog because they miss them is obvs a good dog mom. I wish I could outdrink anyone. I have a glass of wine and I'm tipsy.

Miss Riss said...

Outdoorsy-ness for the win!!