Friday, February 21, 2014

old about me section

Hey you,

My name is Erin and I'm 28.  Yikes, this is getting really awkward for me already.

I guess I won't be able to try if my boyfriend ever dumps me because I don't know how to convince people to read my blog, let alone sleep with me.  However as you can see below, I am an incredibly attractive woman so this will probably never be a problem.

I grew up on the mean streets of Detroit selling weed and pimpin' hoes.  Just kidding, I atually lived in a really nice suburb outside the city, but I did spend my fair share of time underage drinking there so I can still call it home.  Despite what you have heard, Detroit is a really great place to live, they just don't have much going on in the economy department.  I decided to make a career change a few years ago, and wound up in an extremely rural part of Maryland for a great job opportunity. 

This small town living is not exactly my thing.

I have two roomates, my dog Fred (who moonlights as my best friend), and my boo Jose
 (who I met the old fashioned way, in a bar).  They are both pretty cool.

For now I am trying to make the best of whatever life throws me,
and when I can't make the best of it I get drunk instead. 

This blog isn't really about anything in particular just me writing snotty stories I think are funny even though me and my mom are probably the only ones.  Who am I kidding, my mom doesn't always think I'm funny, she thinks I swear too much actually.  

Oh yeah, I have a toilet mouth. 
Don't read this if that offends you.

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