Monday, February 24, 2014

the Fresh Prince said it best...

Hi guys.

Sorry it's been a while, but in my life has been crazy lately.

And when I say crazy I mean crazy like a fox.

Or to put it in the immortal words of the Fresh Prince, "my life got flipped turned upside down."

Don't you worry, flipped like in a  good way. At least I think. Only time will tell.

You see, a few weeks ago I applied to a job.

About a week later I had a phone interview for said job.

The next day they called to schedule a face to face interview.

Ten days later I boarded a plane and had that interview.

The very next day I accepted that job.

So now I have a new Colorado.

I am moving in just 14 days and that freaks me out more than you know.

Mostly I am just really excited, but I would be a big fat liar if I didn't say I'm a bit of a mess too.

I have been at my current job for three years, it has been an amazing run. I have made some terrific friends and above all else I am comfortable here. I don't have money troubles, I'm good at my job, I have a routine, all that shit. It took time to get to this point but I did. And now I'm leaving.

In like two weeks I am packing all my worldly possessions into my Scion and Fred and I are driving 30 hours out to Denver where we have no place to live....

And that's that.

Manfriend will not be coming, at least not for a while. And that means a bunch of pieces of my heart will be staying put in Maryland and that scares the bajeebies out of me.

I can't really say too much more right now because I am still a bit of a raw nerve.

Don't get me wrong, I am beyond excited. This is where I want to go and the job is a dream. But it is hard too.

So that is the scoop. And that is why I might be a terribly blogger in the coming weeks.

I have a lot to do at work before I leave, you know like going away parties and such....but really I'm pretty swamped. Thanks for being great as always.


Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I am so excited for you for the move as I know you have been wanting a change. Everything will work out and know we will be here when you want to pop in and say hey,girl, hey!

Margaret said...

Damn girl- that's awesome!!!

I can fully relate to you about feeling so comfortable and in a routine at my current job- meaning I'm scared to death about starting my new job!

Good luck with everything :)

Kim Brown said...

Ohmigosh- congrats! That is big news & exciting. You'll be closer to home, no?

Morgan Sparks said...

Wow!! So many awesome changes happening right now!! I'm so excited for you!

Miss Riss said...

Ahh! I'm so excited for you!!! Congratulations! Btw, kind of off topic but I keep meaning to tell you I love the new name of your blog =)

Tracie Everyday said...

This is such a huge step! You are so brave and you will love Colorado! Congrats on teh new job! I can't wait to hear more about all the changes :)

Stephanie said...

That is so crazy! Congrats on the new job!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful!

I can see why it's mixed emotions though. Hang in there.

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

bitch, you're moving the wrong're supposed to be coming TOWARDS toronto, not AWAY. get your shit together!

that said, CONGRATS!!! you must be SO excited. can't wait to hear more!

also, colorado sounds very outdoorsy/trailsy so i bet there are some awesome trails to run up over there.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Wow! That's crazy exciting!!! I'd be nervous too though, you're not alone in that. I'm proud of you for doing it anyway!!!! :D And at least you'll have Fred to keep you company! :)

shannon said...

you go girl. like way go.

stop in WI on your way there.

Merchon said...

Wow. Just wow. How exciting!! Congrats girl. I have heard amazing things about Denver, I am sure you're going to do great!