Tuesday, February 11, 2014

things I never thought I would say...

"I just want to go running"

-Yeah, I legit said that the other day. Up until the last two weeks (as a result of freezing temps and lots o ice) I have been running consistently two or three times a week. I never imagined I would be that guy but two weeks off and I missed it like crazy.

"Just throw the hay over there"

-I coordinate outdoor events at a place that was once a big ass farm. I handle hay all the time. It might actually be straw, I really don't know the difference.

"I have a meeting with a war reenactor tomorrow morning"

-I don't even know what to say about that one, but it happened last week...

"You have to wait until your omelet is cool"

-I cooked Fred an omelet the other day. I don't eat omelettes. I dirtied a pan and prepared a dish just for my dog. I have lost it.

"What are the ingredients in that mascara?"

-My need for everything to be organic is truly getting out of control. I know it, and I feel like the first step is admitting you have a problem, but I can't stop....it's just getting worse.

"A 4 year old is my favorite person on Earth"

-It's true. My niece. The greatest person in the world, I still don't understand most of what she says, but I love her the best regardless.


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

haha! same thing for me about running...i'm DYING to hit the trails again and i think about it every day. this, from a person who hated running not a year before and couldn't even do 1K. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US?!

-kathy | Vodka and Soda

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

From Hay to War reenactor. That is a broad job. From someone who bakes her dog treats I can totally relate.

Kristin O said...

Haha...these are great!

Stephanie said...

I totally tell Hawkeye to wait until her food is cool. When she's got a cold, I make her homemade chicken soup with veggies. I don't even make myself homemade soup, I buy it in a can.

Helene in Between said...

you crack me up. i saw that insta of you cooking for your dog. you're CRAZY

Jordan said...

The first one. YES. Never in my lifeee.

Miss Riss said...

Mascara can be organic?? I thought "organice" was only for things you can eat...kidding. Sort of.

Margaret said...

haha- the shit I do as an event planner...completely blows my mind sometimes.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

I blow on food for my dog when it's too hot. The things we do for love.

Angi Solle said...

Hahahah this was really funny! I have really sensitive eyes so I understand saying what is in that mascara...I also says what is in the eye liner. womp womp!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

hahaha re: Fred's omelet