Monday, December 9, 2013

Yet another reason I can't ever have a child...

Two words: Baby Gap.

That place f-ing bankrupted me last weekend.

I decided I wanted to get my sweet little niece Evie one dress for Christmas along with some toys. You read that right one dress.

She loves dresses and look how gorgeous she is, so naturally I wanted to get her one special dress. You read that right again ONE.

So I went to Baby Gap. And shit got out of hand real quick.

Have you ever been there? It is literally the most adorable collection of overpriced children's wear you will ever see in your life.

I could not stop. I just kept grabbing things that I decided she needs. Like a hot pink sweater dress with black leggings, and white and teal stripped skinny jeans paired with a hipster ass dog wearing a scarf sweater. And an f-ing pink tutu with an old lady sweater for irony you know (it is the creme de le creme of cute shit, I just can't). I just kept going, I bought so much stuff. 

When I checked out and my total was given to me I puked in my mouth a little. Ok, maybe a lot. But I whipped out the old debit card anyway because I just could not help it.

I really don't know how parents do it. I had to stop looking after only browsing half the store, if I had a kid I would go broke....

The outfits miss Ev is going to receive on Christmas morn are worth more than every article of clothing I've bought myself in the last year (like for real I shop pretty much exclusively in the Target clearance section). 

Mark my words, I will never, ever set foot in a Baby JCrew (if there is such a thing) I really just don't think my wallet could handle it.


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

honey...NEVER go to baby gap FOR ANYTHING unless it's on boxing day and everything is 50%+ off.

while little girls love dresses, they will DESTROY them in no time, don't care about labels and only care if they are frilly, glittery or sparkly. enter: walmar, target, old navy, clearance section of any store.

if the dollar store sold clothes, i would buy them there too.

but your niece is adorable.

Vodka and Soda

Katie said...

Baby J Crew? I would die.

I once spend $100 on an outfit for my niece she could only wear once because she grew so fast.


Chloe said...

Yup. That's why people with children are poor. It's not because we have to feed and shelter them. Nope, it's the clothes.

Duh! Danae said...

Kids clothes are the devil especially girls clothes. Thank god Billy has boys and their clothes are boring.

Morgan Sparks said...

I've already spent a small fortune on my best friend's baby. Oh, and the baby hasn't even been born yet... He isn't even my kid and I'm going to go broke shopping for him!

Betsy said...

That's definitely why I head to Old Navy or Kohl's clearance for kid gifting. Darn things grow like weeds!

Miss Riss said...

You're right, she is a doll! I've shopped for other people's baby showers and that was enough for me! I need to make way more money to afford all the cuteness that are children's clothes! And the shoes too. Teeny tiny kids shoes are just the cutest things!!

Rachel said...

She is so cute! When I shop for my nieces, I go to Kohls of place ever!

Tammy Jo said...

hahahah I am the same way with my nephew! I see like 50 things he has to HAVE :) and then my bank account hates me lol

Monica L said...

OMG yes. Every single time I have to shop for someone's kid I go broke. Its reason #18573 that I will never have kids!

Jordan said...

TARGET. Target is the answer to everythingggg.

Margaret said...

YEP! I spend so much money spoiling the shit out of my nieces...I have no idea what I will do when I have children of my own.

Amy Powell said...

I die when I walk past kid's clothes. I want to buy my niece & nephew everything.

xoxo, Amy @ Interpret As You May

Kristie's Blue Jeans said...

I do the exact same thing when shopping for my niece and nephew. I made the mistake of getting my niece a dress and necklace two months ago to hold for Christmas... Ya she got it already. Poof there went like $60 because she's so damn cute!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I must never look Baby Gap directly in the eye or I will be taken over by it and left with a ruined bank account.

Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

I've never been to baby gap but I know i CAN NOT shop for kids. anywhere. I go broke ridiculously fast. Damn woman hormones.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Evie is ADORABLE. Also, after hearing how spoiled she is I would like to be added to your Christmas list! ;P

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Evie looks so cute!! I do the same thing at Kohl's for my nieces and I leave shaking my head not knowing what the hell just happened! There are just too many cute clothes for kids.

Nikki Mitchell said...

LOL she will love them all and you will be the favorite Aunt!!! If I had a niece or nephew I would have the same issue though.