Monday, December 23, 2013

The Biggest Asshats of 2013

So Babwa may like to talk about the most fascinating people of the year, but I would like to take a few minutes to honor the people who I think are the worst this year. I mean obviously they are doing something right because I am talking about them and all, but I am a firm believer that not all press is good press. And I am a goddamn marketing director so I know stuff. I would also like to note I made this list before I watched Bab's special so it is purely coincidental that two of my nominees are the same as hers.

1. Miley. I'm sorry, as much as I think Wrecking Ball is kind of an awesome song, this girl sucks. If you want to smoke the gange go for it, but we aren't in middle school you don't need to convince all your pre-teen fans it is cool by doing it on stage and whatnot. Also, dress as slutty as you want. Hell if I had your body I would walk around naked, but put some creativity into your performances. Be an artist, don't hump a giant teddy bear that is just weird not provocative.

2. The Boston Bomber. I have never run a marathon, I have no doubt in my mind that it sucks complete ass. I also have no doubt in my mind what an amazing experience and accomplishment it is for those running and watching ones they love run in a marathon. What kind of a dick whistle ruins that by being a loser terrorist? Get a life.

3. North West. I feel bad saying this because she is just a babe, but homegirl stands no chance of not being a complete douch. Look at her parents, she is a lost cause and can't even walk yet. Way to go Kimwaye, you have given the world another terrible example of humanity.

4. The US government. I have never been a fan of you, but this year you sucked it up even more than usual. Who just throws a tantrum and shuts down? If 7-11 can be open 365 days a year, so too can the friggen government.

5. The owner of WaWa. Damn you for making such delicious coffee and being the world's best gas station. I spend way too much money in your store and I hate you for it. Would you please at least come out with a rewards program already? I clearly can't control myself enough not to stop in every morning so I should at least like to be racking up some points. If you haven't been to WaWa, you should probably schedule a road trip just to do so. I'm not kidding at all.

6. The Navy Yard shooter. One of my very, very dear friends was in that building. Thank all that is holy he is safe and sound but what the frick. Work sucks enough without having to fear for your life which is what everyone in that building was faced with that day. It is truely sad that terrorists are taking up two spots on this list. This goes out to all school shooters, movie theater shooters, and other terrorists out there too. Ain't nobody got time for that.

7. Prince Fielder. I was 100% behind your giant ass when you became a Tiger. Your dad was my favorite Tiger when I was a little girl and I was so excited to have you on our team. And then you just made one dumb ass comment after another and stopped hitting the ball. Good riddance Prince, that's what I say to you.

Who did I miss???


Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

I'd throw in the prez. but he can go along with the govt.

I was immediately excited to read this post, FYI.

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Haha!! Love this but I totally think Kayne should be number 14, he is the biggest of ass clowns there is but since it is for American Airlines (just kidding NW) I understand the drop in the list! ;)

Miss Riss said...

Firstly, I just want to say that I love the word 'asshat.' It's a fantastic insult. Secondly, I would agree with all of these, particularly Miley and ANYTHING to do with Kimye...including their offspring. I would also include Lil' Wayne, not because of anything in particular he did this year, but simply because I just don't have enough words to describe how much I DISlike him. So for me, he's an asshat every year ;)

Duh! Danae said...

GOD I LOVE WAWA's my first experience was in Richmond in March, they don't have them here though which sucks ass.

Tracie Everyday said...

OMG! I love that pic of Kimye. I love this list!

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

kanye is the WORST. he thinks he's jesus and walks on water. his attitude is horrible as is his music. i would rather masturbate with sandpaper than listen to his garbage.

Vodka and Soda

Kristie's Blue Jeans said...

I love gas station shopping too! I find all sorts of goodies in those places and I also believe they should all have rewards cards so I can get free stuff.

Stephanie said...

Agreed! I do like Miley, but she was quite the asshat in 2013, no doubt.

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

You hit the nail on the head with ALL of these. Like, I literally agree with every single word of this. Every. Single. Word.

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

Government, you're all fired.

Miley tops my list. Bieber does too.

Wawa trumps all convenience stores everywhere.

Tiffany Khyla said...

Miley definitely tops the list. She was just way too crazy. She also just came out with a new music video for "Adore You" and it's absolutely awful. Also..North West. Ugh.