Friday, August 9, 2013

the thing about boobs...

So apparently there is a little bit of uproar recently about this baby mama who was asked not to let her little one have some good old boobie milk on a plane. There was a protest about it and all that jazz and people are real worked up. Here is a story if you want to read the details. 

Now, I have never had a child nor to I intend to have one so I am no expert on this matter. I am sure the boob juice is real good for babies and as you all know I am super into natural and organic shit so if for some god forsaken reason I were to be impregnated there is a good chance I would go this route, but at this point in my life it grosses me out pretty bad. My sister tried to pull the feeding crap in front of me once and I nearly tossed my cookies. I didn't look at my niece the same for weeks, she is off the tit now so we are friends again, but still. It is not something I want to see or hear, but then again a kids gotta eat ya know.

I mean I get sassy as all hell well I am hungry so a crabby ass kid on a plane ride is not something I want to be seated next too. Nor is a naked boob (unless it's a really nice one). I think the real solution is to just ban children from planes all together. Then no ones right to breast feed is revoked, and people that think babies are weird don't have to be exposed to them. This law will not apply to my niece and nephew of course because they are freaking adorable and I wish they were on a plane right this very minute to come see me.

(I mean really, could they be cuter?)

Now I am not going to get into it too much because it is such a hot topic and all....I mean I love to be controversial but my blog isn't famous at this point so I really can't be pissing people off just yet. So instead of spending anymore time talking about it I am just going to share some photos of my favorite celebrity boobs. I'm not a lesbian, but I know a great rack when I see one.

How does someone look like that?? 
We can all admit those are some motorboatin sonufabitches.

Why is she so pretty?

Boobs are nice in all shapes and sizes.

I probably would go lez for this crazy bitch. 


Carly @ The Pinot Project said...

I'm dying. Kat Dennings from 2 Broke Girls has a great rack, and they are always on full display on that show!

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

while i hate scarlett and rhianna, they do have nice boobs.

and people need to chill with the breastfeeding. if you no likey, look away. it's not hard.

trust when i say that when/if you become a mom, you get bombarded with all kinds of useless "debates" which really aren't debates but bored people (usually housewives) needing to stir shit up because they need some excitement in their lives.

Vodka and Soda

Helene said...

hahaha brilliant song choice. and the whole breastfeeding thing... get over it. when i was in spain it was all topless beaches and suddenly it was no big deal. people need to chill.

Margaret said...

hahah! Best song choice ever for this post.

Oh and Christina Hendricks boobies...alll up in yo face.

Robin said...

Ban kids from planes! Amen sister!! And the Jen aniston one should have said "why is she STILL so pretty"

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Boobies! Hahahaha!

That is all.

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

honestly the whole breast feeding thing freaks me out because I don't think I could do it. But I don't think it's weird or wrong. If your covered up I don't think I would mind being around it

Jordan said...

I died when I saw the accompanying song, brilliant. I am nowhere near being a lesbian, but lesbehonest, a nice rack is not hard to look at.

Unknown said...

Totally wrote a similar post this week. The world is in uproar over the chesticles!!!!! Oh and boobs!!!!

Kim Brown said...

hahaha- way to take some of the heat off this debate by showing boobies! Great song choice- it's my anthem.

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

OMG seriously you kill me. Tears running down ma face!! Kinda hate Scarlett since the whole Ryan Reynolds thing (I mean who walks away from him!!!) but damn. Perfect song selection for the post!

Heidi said...

Your song! Ha it's gonna be stuck in my head now.
Jennifer Aniston is just not fair.

Karla said...

LOL- That song alone made my whole Friday.
I would go lez for a lot of those women.
Katherine Heigl is my husbands FAV.

Karla said...

LOL- That song alone made my whole Friday.
I would go lez for a lot of those women.
Katherine Heigl is my husbands FAV.

Nikki @ Rural Rookie said...

"she is off the tit now so we are friends again" bahaha! You make me lol, for real. I totally wouldn't mind having Scarlett's boobs. Or any of Jennifer Aniston's body parts for that matter.

Bad Luck Jenn said...

ass & titties... awesome song choice! And yes, I think banning babies is the solution to all.

Tiffany Khyla said...

Jen Aniston does have a nice rack. Not gonna lie.

Yammering Yankee said...

Haha! Loving this...but seriously no kids on planes is brilliant.

Savannah said...

I don't get the big deal - like you said, the kids gotta eat! I do appreciate a good cover up on the whole situation but I'd for sure rather stare at boob than sit on a plane with a crying baby. I also very much enjoyed the boob pics

Kailagh Anne said...

Plane and simple. I like boobs!!! haha wish I could rock it like those girls, i get to nervous about showing the goods off.

xo. Kailagh

Chloe said...

Boobies!! I love them. Can't live without them. We get drunk together and I can convince you to show me yours. I'll even show you mine. I like to pretend I have a nice rack. Who really knows??