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So I have mentioned a time or twelve on this blogaroo that I rarely drink on school nights, I know it goes against all that my blog title stands for, but trust me I make up for it on the weekends.Not drinking during the week doesn't mean I never go to work with a good old hangover however, and in fact I have sported a boozless hangover on multiple occasions. You probably have too. Here are a few of the hangovers I a lucky enough to suffer from that don't even offer the benefit of getting sauced first.
The Netflix hangover. Guys this one happens to me an awful lot. I start watching a show on the flix and I just can't stop. I have been known to watch something I get real hooked on pretty much all night. I am not sure if my hangovers were worse from Downton Abbey or Sons of Anarchy but let's just say I was groggy as all hell when I got into those bad boys.
The no sleep hangover. Whatever the reason, you just can't sleep. Maybe you had too much caffeine, you are nervous about something, or you just have to stay up past your bedtime for whatever reason. Some days there is just not enough coffee in the world.
The fight with your manfriend hangover. You get into it with the old boy toy the previous night and the next day you just can't think about anything else. You have the damn cry baby lump in your throat all day long and you all around feel like death. Luckily Jose and I have only been in one or two fights so this one is a rarity but it does happen now and again.
The cried yourself to sleep hangover. Perhaps it was because of numero tres, or maybe you were just watching some sad ass movie, but for whatever reason you did your share of crying the night before and your head is pounding like a mofo the entire next day. I hate crying, I try not to do it, but sometimes you just gotta.
The junk food hangover. If I eat like shit, I feel like shit. Every single time. But sometimes I still decide french fries, cookies, fast food or some other calorie monster is a great idea, and when I do I am not feeling real fancy the next day. This one is rare for me as I have some how become a health nut despite myself but it used to be a pretty regular occurrence.
The stress hangover. This one usually starts in the morning when your day just goes to shit right away. You turn on the computer in your office only to find 9393494 emails from your loser coworkers, just as many voice mails, and a huge list of other things to get done...you are better off just calling it quits when you walk in and spending the day on Pinterest, because that is what winners do.
The vacation hangover. This one doesn't make you feel sick so some may say it doesn't fit on this list, but it's my party so shush. You are leaving for vaca or have a long weekend staring you in the face and you absolutely cannot focus on work. This happens to me before any trip I take or when I have a few days off for a holiday. There is really no point for me to even be in the office as I am 100% useless, but if I took it off the day before would be the same situation. See again: Pinterest all day.
What makes you feel like death at work?
The stress hangover is the worst!! I would take a booze induced one over a stress one.
The Stress and Netflix hangover! I am current suffering from the Netflix hangover due to catching up on Breaking Bad, before this weekend!
HATE the stress hangover and the manfriend fight hangover! those two are the worst
oh, definitely the tv show hangover, hands down. when we were watching The Shield (which is the best cop show made ever), i stayed up every night until 3-4am plowing through all 4 seasons until i was caught up. i look like something that crawled out of a crypt every morning.
How about the hangover from your hangover? No, just me? Pshhh.
I feel you have been extra genius lately.
Love everything about this
UM YES haha this is so right. i am currently living with my jet lagged hangover.
than manfriend fight hangover is the worst!! that shit stays with me for days
The no sleep hangover is freaking worse than the booze hangover, I swear.
Vacation hangover is the WORST. Puts me in the biggest funk and I get stuck daydreaming about wherever I was. Always rough coming back!
The Netflix Hangover is my downfall, I just cannot stop. Especially when it's just a tv series streaming on my laptop while I lie in bed, I don't even have to hit next. Then all of the sudden the sun is coming up. Damnit.
All of these ring a bell. I remember in college I had a stupid boyfriend and went to work with the crying hangover, his fault, and told everyone those crying bags under my eyes were just an allergic reaction to my eye cream. WTF!
OMG the crying hangover is the WORST, especially because (at least for me) it is SO obvious. My eyes get and stay soooo puffy! It takes until like noon the next day for them to chill out.
I am guilty of a netflix hangover. Major. But I get sucked into the vast selection of mega downer documentaries.
For sure the crying hangover is the worst. Because you can't even play it off... Unless you just tell everyone you're having some horrible allergic reaction that's given you puffy, bloodshot eyes. Luckily I rarely have that one, but I do get the Netflix one a little too frequently. Once I get sucked into a show I can't stop.
so true, so true. I love when someone at work tells me I look sick or tired (AKA, like sheeeit).
thanks for cohosting with us on WTF Wednesday! and yes, these are so right on!! I've experienced all of them!
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