Tuesday, August 6, 2013

my number one homie

I am currently dog sitting for a basset hound named Walter who is almost as naughty as he is adorable.

Seriously, this little shit is a piece of work. He has only been with me three days and has already reeked his fair share of havoc.

Fred no longer goes in a cage when we leave the house because honestly he is more of a human than an animal and he prefers the comfort of the couch during the day. Walter on the other hand, I do not trust so I have been putting him in Fred's old cage when we are not home.

You can imagine my delight when I returned home the first day of his visit to find him roaming freely. I assumed I had not latched the cage door, but when I investigated the situation, I realized he had some how pulled a Houdini and bent the bars of the cage with his paws causing the door to open. At first I was more impressed than anything but then I found a huge puddle of piss all over the bathroom floor. Thanks for that dude.

Walter is also a sheader. Fred is many things but a sheader is not one of them. Thanks to Walt my couch and yoga pants are looking pretty trash tastic. He also took it upon himself to lick our windows to the extent that they are completely opaque from the drool. Lovely.

Walter has stolen Fred's food every time I feed the dogs, and needs to be on your lap at all times. Fred hates the shit out of him and has looked sad ever since Walter came to stay. Walter has also been snatching every one of Fred's toys and bones the second he starts to play...I feel pretty bad because Fred is not accustomed to not getting his way.

Walter has also seen to it that I have not slept for more than two hours over the course of his visit. He whines constantly during the night. I am not sure if he just misses his own house, or if he is a mix of Basset Hound and devil, but either way I did not appreciate my 4am wake up call this morning.

Walter has one thing going for him though, he is disgustingly cute. I mean I can't even get mad at the fact that he has been ruining my life the past few days because I just smile when I look at him. Fred's stunning good looks get him out of a lot of trouble too, but after watching this rascal of a basset hound I am realizing how lucky I am to have a well behaved albeit totally spoiled rotten pet. Fred may not know he is a dog, but he never pees in my house and most of his fur stays on his body...so thanks for being my number one homie Fred. I love you buddy.

Tall Tails Link Up


Helene in Between said...

Hahaha ohhh no! Looks like you have your work cut out for you! Good thing he has the cuteness going for him.

Katie said...

ohhhh no what an asshole. a cute asshole, but still.

Miss Riss said...

Hahaha! That drool!! Walter is too cute!

Jordan said...

But.... he's so cute. Can't compute.

Rachel said...

HAHA he is so cute! I always wanted a bassett!

Tami said...

oh my gosh, fred LOOKS sad in that photo! poor thing

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Aww poor Fred. Sharing is caring, but I am sure Fred wants to kick Walter in the shins! Poor guy!

Anonymous said...

Fred is a good dog to handle Walter and those big puppy eyes!

Savannah said...

Dog sitting always makes me appreciate Bella and Bailey. Good refresher from time to time!

Steph G said...

But that face... I couldn't even be mad.

kathy @ vodka and soda said...

he sounds like an ahole but he's so darn cute you can't stay mad at that face! and poor fred...he looks so sad and defeated in that pic! :(

Morgan Sparks said...

Haha he's so cute though! I have two dogs- my well behaved spoiled rotten pathetic excuse for a dog and my little terrorizing Hellian. I wouldn't trade either of them for anything though!

City Life Attempter said...

I think it's pretty safe to say that I would also have a hard time getting mad at him too!

Anonymous said...

It's always the cute ones... always. And I'm pretty much loving the name Walter for a dog. How freaking cute?

Julie @ A Simply Sweet Blog said...

I'll be honest, I've never met a basset hound that wasn't part devil. The cutest ones are always the naughtiest ones!

Tiffany Khyla said...

Oh my goodness. Walter sounds like a little diva. I hate when dogs shed! It's the worst. You can never wear dark colors. Ever.

Adriana from Glitter & Sarcasm said...

hahaha poor fred!! what an ass tho. thank god he's cute

Tracie Everyday said...

haha! We have 2 dogs and that is exactly how it is. One is perfect. The other eats his own poo. One is polite the other licks the shit out of your face. Oh, the joy of doggies!

Sarah said...

Bahhaha yep, that is a true basset for you!!

Chloe said...

Basset hounds are assholes, but I just love their ears. I just wanna play with them and put them in ponies all the time. Trixie hates Olivia so I always feel bad when I bring her to Blake's. But she needs to see him too!