Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tossin' Cookies

Man friend and I have many things in common.
-We both love beer.
-We both love to laugh.
-We both like to make up voices and conversations for animals and strangers.
-We both are obsessed with our dog.
-We both love to travel.
-And last but not least, we both puke a lot when we are hungover.

I have to say man friend may do this a bit more than I, but we are
both pretty good at it. Not long ago we got super hammered with some
friends and ended the night with cookie dough vodka shots. That shit
was made by the devil himself and I know I will never be able to
indulge in even real cookie dough again let alone the vodka form.
Anyway the night before we had made plans to attend an art fair with
our neighbor. Noon rolls around and she shows up ready to go to the
fair. Man friend and I are not doing so well, but we go. I really
wanted to check it out and we had made a promise for god sakes. So we
stop at the ATM on our way so I can get some cash. While my little
car is at the ATM and I am getting my money (there is a car waiting
behind us in line mind you) man friend opens the passenger door and
just pukes like there is no tomorrow. I felt so sorry for my
girlfriend in the back seat. No one is quiet or graceful when puking,
but man friend is downright repulsive. It is so loud and awful. And
there were people watching! I was laughing hysterically of course.
He seemed to feel a bit better so we continued on our course to the
art fair, when we were almost there I decided it was my turn and I too
needed to puke. I however am a lady, and pulled into a gas station.
Where I proceeded to go inside and puke in a public restroom (nasty).
In hindsight, I think man friend had the right idea.

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